
Is deaf allow become jockey?

by  |  earlier

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I just want know...I'm courise....




  1. umm.. yeahh?

    but u have to be under 5'5''

  2. Absolutely, positively no! All jockeys must pass a comprehensive annual physical. The ability to hear is paramount when race riding! Imagine a scenario where a competitor is in trouble and you are the only participant who can relieve the pressure. If you can't hear his/her plea for help, both riders are going to end up in the Emergency Room.

  3. For ordinary racing, no reason why not since start of race is opening of gates, not a sound.  Owners would have to be convinced deaf jockey understood riding directions.

  4. no, its for safety reasons. its very dangerous for a deaf person to be race riding. if your deaf then you wouldnt be able to hear the other jockeys shouting. it would just put all the jockeys and horses in un-necessary danger.

  5. im sure deaf people can do anything they want (except listen)

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