
Is death all you can really look forward to in life?

by Guest31841  |  earlier

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I thought about it, you can earn all the money in the world, you can be the biggest loser, you could live a bad life or a good one, but in the end, you die, whether it's young or old, sick or healthy. Is it really a big deal to live? Why do people hold out hope that they can survive their cancer and try to get the best medical care? Why do people want to live until they're old? Why do people think they have some obligation to live?

That's my view of things. Death to me should be embraced. I think it's like going home. You can change everything you want in the world, it's never going to be permanent, and someone can mess it up all over again.

It makes you wonder why people take life so seriously.




  1. Yes, its true nothing is permanent in life. Its all temporary happiness. But still, you cant just go on with your life thinking that's it's going to end. You have to at least enjoy it. Live life to the fullest is one of my favorite quotes. Live, laugh and love. Thats permanent. So dont look foreward to death. Life can be how you want it to be. Dont think that you live to die..theres no point in that. Have fun with life and be happy. You have ones you love and you can laugh right? True death comes and theres no more pain but embrace life as well.

  2. You sound like one of those crazy, emo, wrist-cutting teenagers that always write depressing poems and act like an *** the whole d**n time because life is just so painful for them.


    Seriously. It's getting really annoying when people are complaining about life. Many people actually don't realize how good they have it! My peers have all of the things I want it life and they still aren't happy.

    Sure, we're all gonna die eventually, but we should be living our lives out to the fullest!

    I know d**n well I'm gonna die, but until then, I'm not gonna **** on everyone and be lazy and moan and complain incessantly. I'm gonna try to do my best to reserve my self a nice spot in heaven.

  3. I agree that people shouldn't take life so seriously. But there is nothing wrong with wanting to live for a long time and fit in as much as you can. For me, yes, I am going to die just like you and everybody else. But I am determined to make my life as comfortable as possible for myself while I am here. If I have the choice to make my time alive good or bad, of course I am going to choose good - and just because one day I am going to die doesn't mean I should be miserable until then. It doesn't mean that I don't want my time alive to be good while it lasts. Life is a beautiful thing. It should be enjoyed.

  4. Well I'm not sure about you, and I'm not judging,

    but I'm scared of death myself.

    Sure you can live a good life, but not everyone dies when their life is fulfilled.

    People constantly worry about death, even if they are 12, 24, 33, 67, because in a minute you can be murdered, hit by a car, or anything.

    Also people want to live until their old because their is beauty in the world, although you don't see it in the suburbs, or chicago, and I want to live till I'm older to see how the world changes, because I feel it is a blessing to be on this planet, the only planet like it in billions and billions of miles of void space. Plus many people feel the obligation because many have love ones they will leave behind that won't be with them physically. I want to see the kids I have some day grow up and accompish their dreams, I wanna see world peace, I wanna see people find the cure for cancer, I wanna see people fly to mars. Death should be embraced to some point, but you only have one chance to live a physical life on this planet, which is the only way to live. Heaven or death itself is actually viewed as peaceful, but knowing you could not physically hold your dog, your pet rabbit, or your child in your arms again, or walking down the street and greeting everyone you know, or saying I love you to your husband and wife.

    So if you look foward to death so much, what would you think if your wife died, or your child, or anyone you love?

    It is only natural to fear the unknown.

    You only have one life, so stop over-analyzing and just live.

  5. My personal belief is that we are more than just temporal.  There is a spirit or soul of some kind that animates us.  It is not of the physical realm.  The evidence that this is so, is that we can only see its effects; we cannot measure or duplicate them.  A person is alive, then he is not.  Once he is not nothing will reanimate him.  Disconnect a vital part that sustains his life long enough and that spirit leaves.  We cannot see it go, we cannot measure it.  But it goes.  Reconnect the vital part and restore the body to the exact same state as is was before if you wish but he will no longer be alive.

    To me, that is proof.  Proof that something was there and now it is not.  Experience tells us that nothing every goes completely away.  Burn a piece of wood and it simply breaks down into simpler elements but it still exists.  All matter simply changes form but does not cease to exist.  

    The only conclusion one can draw is that the spirit has left or changed not ceased.  Nothing really ever ceases.  It is a closed universe in that regard.


  6. If life is just illusions it has no meaning it would not be worth living.

    P.1219 - §6 In so far as man's evolving morontia(SPIRIT) soul becomes permeated by truth, beauty, and goodness as the value-realization of God-consciousness, such a resultant being becomes indestructible. If there is no survival of eternal values in the evolving soul of man, then mortal existence is without meaning, and life itself is a tragic illusion. But it is forever true: What you begin in time you will assuredly finish in eternity--if it is worth finishing.

  7. The answer to this question would depend upon the individual's view and definition of "death". Someone who believes in a higher power, God(s) is going to view the life that we lead presently as hardship, but their real pleasure exists in heaven, death or beyond.

    An individual who does not believe in such is going to live in the present and feel this life is what there and to make the best of it. I am Agnostic, therefore I do not believe, nor deny. My view is since I cannot be sure there is an existence beyond my present existence, I shall make the best of each and every moment in the present. If I don't see a light at the end of the tunnel, then I might as well enjoy the journey through the tunnel.

    There are also varied responses. You asked "why do people hold out hope that they can survive their cancer and try to get the best medical care? Well, first there is also an element of fear in the equation. Do you really know what is beyond the present? Also it is human nature to not want to let go, to fight and continue on.

    Yet, again, the answer is going to be varied for each person. I can understand your point of view, respect it and yet not believe in the same perspective. I do not embrace death, because I am not dead... I am living, therefore, I will embrace my life.

  8. Well because nobody living (or most people)dont know whats gonna happen to THEM when they die, and death is I think infinity(until your reborn,i guess...idk which is my point)But life is short if you compare it to death.....why not enjoy it while you can?

  9. Because death is an inevitability, but life holds many possibilities.  It's not about doing what you can because you're gonna die, but leaving behind your legacy for the next generations to benefit from.  Think about the many philosophers whose thoughts still echo throughout eternity, and the musicians whose songs still inspire and the scientists that helped us gain the knowledge we now have.  And even if they themselves are forgotten, their lives are honored because the works of their hands helped to build everything we have now.  This is why death should be embrased, it is the incentive to live life to the fullest so that your destiny touches the world.

  10. i wish to die sometimes because nothing ever seems to get better

    and people try to stay alive mostly because of loved ones if youve noticed alot of lonely elderly people with no family or friends dont really mind dying theres alot of unhappiness in this world so there is some people who wouldnt mind to die then they would find out what is to come. idk maybe im too negative

  11. Yeah, I'd agree with that. There is nothing to look forward to in the end, just death. And some people are scared of that. I dont see why though. It happens to us all in the end. Life's a b**** then you die. So what's the point?

  12. no... how about you look forward to living your life in a way that you are content... a lot of people in this world focus their lives on just certain things... where they limit themselves to only those things... but the world is so vast...

    so, life is not about waiting for death to come... rather, its about living it... how you live your life defines your whole being... what you are worth...

    and a lot of people hold on hope because they understand the value of life... as a result, they want to extend their existence a little longer... maybe because of their family... this also one of the reason why many take life seriously...

    but, it sounds like you have everything figured out... the idea of life and death... so, the question now here is... do you know what's on the other side of death that you are willing to embrace it???? and are you prepared to face that UNKNOWN... and... do you really go HOME??

  13. Death is mush like Monday morning that we have to go to work but that doesn't mean we should spoil our weekend.

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