
Is death certificate necessary for compassionate leave?

by Guest61946  |  earlier

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My friend works with a private travel agent in Singapore. She is eligible for 14 days medical leave annually, but her employer insists that for every such leave she takes she must produce a medical certificate from the doctor she had consulted with.

The same employer has another rule that insists that the employee must produce a death certificate if they claim to have attended a funeral.

The employer's contention is that staff members are disloyal to the company and would try any excuse to be absent from work.

How do you view this situation? Will such rules be allowed to prevail in your part of the world?




  1. I am from Australia and employers seem to be very relaxed with the rules. But then again it depends which company you work for. I work in a travel agency and we do not need a medical certificate if we are off sick - only if we take a day off on a Monday or Friday, but then if we don't get a medical certificate it is up to the discretion of our direct supervisor if we need one or not.

    We definitely do not need a death certificate for compasionate leave. I don't think this would go too well in Australia because it would seem like your employer does not trust you.

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