
Is death coming soon? for My Dad?

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I am in town visiting my Dad hes 81. Every one is say he is looking very old in the past year and i can see big time. He drives the car real bad, Hes hunched over. He is fogeting and he repeats his storys. Is his

mind going out? is the the start of the process of Death? It seems like he aged 5 years in the past year. will he be gone in five years?




  1. go get your dad checked for alzheimers

  2. he's 81, so he's probably going to die soon.

  3. Sorry buddy but it doesn't look great maybe get a doctor to come and see him to get a accurate reading on his health

  4. hey listen to me stop worrying and just be there for him and talk and be there for him

  5. sounds like he has dementia but not necessarily that he will die soon at 81 the body gets real tired.

  6. Well is there anything wrong with him medically? My grandfather is 92 now and has many of those same signs..just normal aging stuff. But overall, he is in great health for the age. So no, not necessarily.

  7. I'm  not saying he is going to die soon but just in case you should spend more time with him.  Don't get mad or do anything you will regret in the morning. Only times will show his fate.  

  8. Only time will tell. Just be with him. He can still tell when you hold him.

  9. It doesn't sound good for your dad. sorry

    if you have him walk regularly and stay healthy that can help

    and they say that sudoku can help the mind stay young.

    hope he stays well

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