
Is dec-21-2012 is the end of world??

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Is dec-21-2012 is the end of world??




  1. According to some beliefs, yes it is. But I highly doubt that it will be the end! There have been many predictions before and those turned out to be false! How much can we guarantee that 12/21/12 will be true...?

    Even if it is, don't worry! Enjoy life and live it to its fullest!

  2. not that i no of. can u give any reason to why u say such a thing

  3. you can never be sure till 22nr of 2012, even any scientist can not tell you 100% no

  4. I bet several people $1000 apiece that the world will not end then. Want to bet? The Mayan calendar cannot be coordinated with our Gregorian calendar, so no one really knows when any of its many cycles begin or end. One certainly cannot give such a precise date as 12/21/12 from it. There is nothing else at all that goes along with this 12/21/12 nonsense. some ignorant people have said the chinese calendar does, but that is wrong. I have a Chinese calendar in my living room. It is now years 4706 on it, and 2012 will be 4710. Other ignorant people say Nostradamus predicted doom then too. The specific date in his "Centuries' was the 7th month of 1999, and he was wrong about it. He said nothing about 2012. Even if he had, he would be as wrong as he has been about 1750 and 1999.

  5. it is a dooms day

    The Doomsday Clock is a symbolic clockface maintained since 1947 by the Board of Directors of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists at the University of Chicago

    the time is dec 12 2012

  6. hey ppl..!

    y d h**l r u bothered abt d end of world..!

    there is no end 2 this world..!

    earth will be forever..!

    plz stop askin such questions..!

    mayan calendar will say bt did god say tat uh????

    many said earth will end in 2000 r 2003 did it,.!

    no na..!

    we are all here 2 achieve sumthin and njoy ourselves..!

    trust in d god u like..! than nting will happen..!

    plz think tat u ll live till 4 d nxt 1000years..!

    tats wat i m thinkin..!

    its sick 2 ask such questions

    y r u thinkin abt d death of world..!

    we all shd think abt d welfare of d earth ???

    d feel d energy..! ..!

    world will nevr end

    good people will also live forever..!

  7. This question has been asked so many times and so many dates have come and gone!!! Just get on with living and trying to make the world a better place and stop worrying about it.

  8. No

  9. Could be happening. Check out the things that are already going on. Necessities for today's people are too expensive. Its a matter of time before we are all lining up for loaves of bread. We are on a path of self destruction and history has told us so. Our systems are failing us and all principles this country and world was built upon are crumbling. People in America are naive and have the Western attitude that nothing will happen to them. Wake up people. Things are not going to get better. Sorry to be the negative answer to this question but this is for real. There is a lot of battles going on both spiritually and worldly, in my opinion.

  10. well i personally have heard that the world will end in 2030 but no one can predict the future so lets just live it out!!!!!!

  11. There is a lot of talk about 2012. Here is a video that discusses it. I think it's the 7th one down.

  12. Ohh Goddd... i have many investments maturing aft Dec2012

    Thanks... u let me know abt end of the world, i will break all of them b4 maturity....


  13. Not it's only four years and there is really no signs of such thing apart from global warming. Keep calm we will be around for alot longer.

  14. All is well when ends well. i dont think so that it will happen but cant be sure coz whatever situation is created by us will lead us to that day of disaster.

  15. Sure, why not?

    No, really. Nobody knows for sure. Just sit tight, stock up on re-cooked beans and bunker down in your little nuclear bunker.

  16. it very well could be

  17. sure hope not... it's my birth day!

    lol just kidding... but I do hope not!  that would seriously suck!

  18. well according to the mayan calendar yes. there are actually alot of cultures who have all come up with that day. kind of creepy but who knows



       IT'S ANOTHER    Y2 K

  20. Is it really.Then it will be great.

  21. according to the mayan calendar, it is.

    but we'll never know until dec.21,2012 or the days before it happens.

  22. No..........not at all

    Let us see you on Dec 22,2012

    till then


    God is the past too there were so many such dont panic enjoy life

  23. Of course, you can never know for sure. According to the Ancient Mayans who made their home in Central America, yes. They were a fairly advanced civilization for their time, and are fairly accurate with their calendar. On December 21, 2012, their calendar ends. However, no one is sure whether the calendar ends because the Mayans didn't live long enough to predict more of the future, or if the end of the world is actually predicted. Other cultures have agreed with the Mayan prediction. Just wait and find out!

    There was a time that people thought that the year 2000 was the end, and receive a lot of backing. Not so true anymore, is it?

  24. We will all be dead before then. When they fire up that huge particle accelerater in Switzerland, we are all going to be sucked into a black hole. Should be interesting.

  25. no thats just superstition and if it is going to end the world we would be seeing more signs of it and hearing about it on TV

  26. no only god knows about our world

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