
Is degenerative changes in the spin normal at the age of 26?

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I was having back pains and had xrays done. Turns out I have mild degenerative changes in the spin. I am having an MRI done tomorrow. Is this serious? Should I be extremely worried? I'm not sure what to really think of it. Not sure of the meaning behind this. I'm only 26 years old. Anyone have an answer thanks!




  1. If you were/are fairly active in sports then this is not an uncommon happening. All the rough tough action of sports puts alot of stress and strain on your spine and can cause different degrees of degeneration. Seeing a chiropractor and a massage therapist can help quite alot with this type of situation. I'm an LMT working for chiro's and I see patients like this all the time, whether it be from currently playing sports or long past the sporting days. Most MDs will prescribe muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatories and/or send you to an orthopedic surgeon for consultation. Of course the surgeon will say you need surgery, that's what they do. The work I've done and the chiro's have kept many people from unecessary surgery.

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