
Is dehydration the cause of diarhhea?

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just a question...serious answers please!! thanks! :)




  1. Backwards!

    Diarrhea causes massive losses of fluids from the body, causing dehydration.  This can get you hospitalized very quickly.  

    Lotrimin is great in controlling diarrhea (no Rx needed), and drink lots of fluids till the situation clears up.  This can get dangerous if let go too long.

  2. Here's a link I found useful - and definitely dont need to know any more about it haha!

  3. No, but it's the result of diarrhea. Diarrhea is from a stomach bug, antibiotic use, menstruation, nervousness, allergies....lots of things, really. What a pain.

  4. lol alrite ill answer u

    diarhhea is not caused by dehydration, thats constapation. When you have too many liquids then its diarhhea

  5. I honestly think it is the other way around. you should check web MD or see a doctor  dehydration is  or could become a very serious problem please go to wikipedia and look up dehydration it tells you what could be causing it, good wishes to you

  6. Not really, diarhhea causes dehydration

  7.'s a side effect...

  8. alot of stress can also cause diarrhea

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