
Is depression an illness ur born with??

by  |  earlier

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okay so i thought depression was just a mood but ppl said that its like an illness you are born with? is that true... and how would you know that you have it and u arent just feeling really sad?? im terribly sad all the time. i have been for bout 3 years seeems just wondering.




  1. Well, yes and no. Depression, like most mental disorders, is strongly genetic. It originates from a problem with the brain that is very real, and now, even observable. It IS an illness, like any other.

    Everyone feels sad, but people with depression "the illness" feel it at unreasonable times, and to unreasonable depths, and it interferes with their day-to-day life. Depression is more than just having the blues.

    However, depression isn't visible from birth. People DEVELOP depression later on, much like bipolar, schizophrenia, and anxiety disorders.

    So, in order for depression to form, it has to form FROM something, much like Type 2 Diabetes may result from a lifetime of poor diet choices. In that sense, depression (bipolar, schiz, etc) is environmental.

    But ONLY people who have the chemical imbalance in their brain will develop disorders as a result of their environment.

    The truth is, that no one is entirely sure how mental disorders develop. It's chemical, environmental, and everything inbetween.

  2. no im getting tired of some ppl who say they are depressed some ppl have to eat from a garbage can some have to deal with violence so get yourself together!!do something useful instead of self pitty upon yourself this msg goes to all u depressed folks

  3. We tend to assume that babies are born functioning "normally", and are not depressed.

    Often depression will be noticed following a very stressful time or event in your life, possibly the loss of your house, death or divorce, a car wreck, an illness, many moves, trauma and fear, emotional strain......

    When a person has a number of these things happening within a year or two, it is not at all surprising when depression comes upon you, as it can be one of the signs of "stress overload" and how our body / mind handles stress.

    Anyway, as you have reported, you can name a time 3yrs ago, when you noticed your depression had overcome your moods.

    When depression doesn't go away on its own after weeks or months, that is a sign that your brain isn't producing the needed chemicals & you also have some frustrations in your emotions or relationships where you feel "stuck" and can't figure your way out of the problems.

    There are 2 effective ways to address the depression, depending on its severity and the length of time you've had it.

    1) use of a medication can re-start your brain to make its own chemicals - See your Dr.

    2) talking with a Counselor/Therapist/Psychologist can help you to see the areas where you are stuck, and can learn new ways to address it to get "unstuck"

  4. You probably misunderstood.  You aren't born depressed, but depression is hereditary.  There are also many ways to become depressed such as poor diet, weather, and just sh*tty situations.  But as I said before, no one is born depressed.

  5. No man or woman is born with depression.They are born with the potential to be depressed but never with depression.You cannot inherit depression nor can you get infected.

    Depression occurs when you drain your mental energy.Specifically omega 3 fatty acids which are a very important part of your mental and physical balance.If daily intake of adequate amounts of omega 3 fatty acids is not insured,depression,stress and many other mental and physical illnesses will occur.

    The doctors of the world are struggling to find a cure for depression when the cure is right in front of their faces and they do not see it.Just like your car keys that fell under your car seat.

    Life is not so complicated as many think.

  6. no, so whats bothering you? we cant help if you dont tell us.

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