
Is depression contagious?

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Is depression contagious?




  1. Yep.  If all the people around you are depressed, in all likelihood, you will be also.  That is why a 'change of atmosphere' often revives people.

  2. Yes they are contagious, do not try to avoid them. Try to contain them by listening and release it when you get home. You need your space to release these contagious gases too. Its a whole community work thing, and i appreciate it the simple gestures. When you start listening it starts to become bigger, use your senses of smell, try not to take alcohol when listening in, it diminish your senses to help.  On the contrary you can go easy on the alcohol but remember your purpose of communication. Is to help.

  3. No...but if your around someone who is depressed it makes your life miserable

  4. I believe so. :/ You can't help feeling depressed yourself when you're in the company of manic-depressive people. It's like when one of your closest friends is sad you can't help but feeling sad for him too. But it doesn't mean you should allow yourself to be likewise permanently depressed for no reason at all. Help your friend if there's a need to. Be strong and understanding for him or her.

  5. Yes like AIDS is.   I'm just being stupid. No, depression isn't contagious.

  6. yessss

    you dont even wanna know how contagious it is

  7. i don't think so, but the mood that it sets is easy to rub off. i personally am very susceptible to bad moods and people whom are depressed and angry, i try to avoid them to try to avoid getting in a bad mood myself.

  8. Misery loves company.

  9. it worse than aids

  10. NO. duh.

  11. no depression is an inbalance associated with mental illness but being around people who are depressed can bring you down but it is not permanent.

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