
Is der any possibility for an artificial rain???????

by  |  earlier

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i don actually mean artificial many theme parks i hav seen artificial sea and artificial sets and al tht stuff.......but my question is der any possibility for natural rain frm clouds by artificial means.......(lik by sprayin somethng into clouds )




  1. Here is my advice, good onto a good search engine like Google or Yahoo and look up "Cloud Seeding".

  2. what? speak English

  3. cloud seeding is one of the methods followed to make the clouds rain. this method is followed in many countries where the sky is covered with clouds, but it does not rains. seeding is done by spraying some chemicles like silver nitrate on the clouds, which will make them to rain.

  4. Only Indian Politicians will make 'artificial and heavy rain" (promises promises promises) a possibility to appease poor farmers to gain votes.

  5. surely

  6. s it is possible, provided clouds are blacky ,

    try out these steps

    1) purchase crackers( only rockets) for Rs 5000/

    2) fire them towards the clouds where the clouds are darky regions

    3) u will get the rain

  7. yes there is!

  8. Yes it is possible to have artificial rains but it needs a particular type of clouds.  

  9. It is possible.It is termed as 'Cloud Seeding'

  10. yes, just like your artificial English.

  11. Yes we can

  12. Yes by cloud seeding.. Already it has been tried.

    Black clouds are needed for this purpose. AgI is seeded into clouds, WAter vapour becomes heavier and drops.

    Check "cloud seeding methods" in net,for more details.

  13. By seeding the clouds with silver iodine(AgI)!


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