
Is detox safe ror some one with health issues ??

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Diabetes Heart Liver ETC.




  1. I think the best thing for you would be a good organic detox program.  I have used a few in the past and was very satisfied.  I have some health issues, which I treat all holistically, and with good results.  I'd encourage you to do a bit of research online or go into your local health foods store to find a product that you can trust and read the ingredients and make sure you are comfortable taking the product.  Some detox programs can only be used for a short amount of time (less than 14 days) because they include herbs that are not safe for long term use.  So, be careful and spend your money wisely.  I'd also encourage you to detox once every three months.  Keep your body clean...especially if you have DM, Heart and Liver problems.

    Keep it real,

  2. If you go to detox, there are doctors & nurses there in case you have a bad reaction.

  3. Yes, but you need to make sure you are being monitored.  The best one I found was using the Ionic Foot Baths.  Those automatically take out toxins by priority, so you don't have to be concerned about your liver or kidneys or gall bladder being overworked from toxins.  Some of the oral herbal cleaners end up overworking those organs.

    However, when using the ionic foot bath, you need to take minerals afterwards (especially iron) cause it removes minerals and metals.  Follow the directions and it will be fine.  There are lots of ionic foot baths on e-bay.  Even the cheaper ones are fine to use.  Just look at the Ion Cleanse website for the real directions.

  4. I wonder if it is safe for anyone but what do I know.

  5. There is also an issue of reducing the pro biotic bacteria in your gut after the detox. These bacteria live as simibiotes ie you need them to help break down your food. you can easiy replenish this supply with yoghurt or probiotics.......Supermarket.

    Also keep hydrated as water is lost. Having a detox too often should be avoided as it can cause weakening of digestion valves which push your food around.

  6. If you have diabetes type 1...a detox would be dangerous...otherwise yes!

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