
Is diet soda any better for u than regular soda in the long run?

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Is diet soda any better for u than regular soda in the long run?




  1. Its worse for your teeth and artificial sweeteners are pretty bad for you.

    Definitely something you don't want to go to bed with when teeth have not been brushed/cleaned.

    I'd probably say no.

  2. Well it does not use regular sweeteners and has less calories. That is the only difference. But many people feel that natural ingredients are better than arificial even if it is sugar. Your body simply handles them better. So no they are not better. If you are trying to watch how many calories you consume then that is they only reason to drink diet sodas.

  3. less calories, but still bad in every other way.

    you're better off cutting it out completely, but i's hard.

  4. no, i believe it triggers more cravings.

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