
Is distance or direction more important in golf?

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Is distance or direction more important in golf?




  1. You really need both, but you should master direction first then work on distance later. Otherwise you'll be Mr. Mulligan like me when I started out, lol!

  2. Direction for sure. I can hit the ball a country mile with my driver, but I have to go three fairways over to retrieve it. That kind of reflects on the scorecard.

  3. Direction. Distance is good, but I'll take a 150 yard shot in the fairway instead of a 300 yard shot into the woods. I've seen low handicap golfers that can't hit the ball over 200 yards, but hit it in play every shot.

  4. Direction. Hit it in any distance with no direction and it wont be any closer to the hole. Hit it in the right direction, and its bound to be.

  5. While I agree with the previous answers you do need some distance as well.

    Whats the point of hitting a straight shot but only 100 Yards?

    On a long Par 3 (200 Yards +) I would rather hit my ball 200 yards but miss the green due to poor direction than only hit my ball halfway there.

    So to answer your question the most honest way I can i'm going for

    Direction 70%

    Distance 30%

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