
Is diversity a blessing or a curse?

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  1. It can be both. If you think that "Ignorance is bliss", than maybe a lack of diversity is good. If everybody was the same, though, things would get awfully boring, and nothing would be interesting or stimulating. Diversity (such as cultural diversity) is what defines the human race, and these differences have led to many things, such as advances in technology, music, literature, and mathematics.

  2. I think cultural and cognitive diversity is somewhat of an advantage, but not always a blessing and not really a curse. Every other kind of diversity is irrelevant.

          The government economic position on CULTURAL diversity (as opposed to racial or gender) is founded on what is called "population ecology". The idea is that no one can really know what beliefs, knowledge, behaviors, norms or backgrounds will be most adaptive in the future. Moreover, we as individuals can't change much of these factors very quickly if at all.

    So, a society with a huge variance of talent and perspectives will be more adaptive than one which is homogenous - where everyone is the same. This is because a changing environment in which the individuals can't change will always select out individuals who are less adaptive and will favor those who fit the needs of the times. So, the nation with the biggest population with the most variation will out compete those whose societal members are relatively similar.

    The US's seemingly perpetual economic success has been attributed to the diversity AND to placing its diverse population into productive activites which fit the specific individuals' skills and talents better than any other country (Bernstein "The Birth of Plenty"). Other countries either have no mechanism, or they artificially channel people into future careers in early adolescence (Germany does this) rather than allowing people to self select their own paths.

    I think though that many of the the "Strength of Diversity" mantra folks are really championing their own culture and really have little interest in others. A point seldom mentioned outside of group and organizational research is that diversity is better than homogeneity for coming up with adaptive ideas and behaviors. However, excessive diversity hinders action via lack of trust and inability to communicate (even if all members speak the same language).

    Branding true diversity as either the solution for everything, or the root of all conflict is over simplifying the problems we face and the solutions we have at out disposal. Reality is too complicated for mantras. I wish folks would avoid falling into their hypnotic allure.

    Peace and Best Regards all...

  3. Report me <3

  4. It can be either . Depends on how well people accept others.

  5. Mandated diversity is a curse.

    Voluntary diversity is a blessing.

    People need to interact without interference by the government or social programs.

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