
Is diversity a failed project?

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Namely in industrial countries such as America and the UK, do you believe diversity has generally failed overall?

What I mean is, sure some people get along, but its a cultural war most of the time. Whose ancestors did what to whom, i hate this one and that one because they do such and such this, my culture and home country is better than yours, and the political correctness has seemed to do nothing to correct any of these issues.

Even though some people truly do get along regardless of race, gender, or any other division label, it seems most people at the end of the day just can't seem to tolerate one another. Having grown up and lived in a very diverse city/town, it should seem to work out okay but its actually the opposite with a lot of people.

So what has seemed to be a "utopian" project, people coming together regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, gender and what not, there is always going to be warring and division no matter where you turn. Your take?




  1. I see your point... I feel the opposite... that some people don't get along, but for the most part we do learn from each other and good things come about.

  2. I agree with shani, it just happens subconciously and its the way we are.

  3. I would like to see what if it would be like if we all walked around without our skin for a week. It may seem gross having what's under the skin exposed, but we're ALL the same color under the skin. Maybe if we went without skin, people will learn to appreciate variety.

    Well, I have a variety going on within myself, being Native American/White/Black

    And stop punishing people for what their ancestor's did. I don't have control over what my great-grandmother did anymore than what your 10th cousin did!

  4. thats the thing about the human psychology. no matter how diplomatic and kind and appreciative we try to be of each other, its impossible to just "get along" regardless of race, gender, etc.

    part of the human psychology is to be wary of each other, because its part of the whole "to survive, i need to keep a distance from others who are different from me".

    it happens subconsciously, you can't help it.

    i come from a place where its very culturally diverse too, and yes we do get along. but most of the time it feels as though its just from the surface. because alot of racist jokes circulate around, and its especially annoying when people imitate stereotypes of a certain race [e.g. accents].

    growing up, i have found out that my own family is very racist too. but i try very hard to appreciate people and not to stereotype them regardless of their race.

    what i say to most people is that: it doesn't matter who your ancestors were. weather they were Turkish or Jewish or Arab or Caucasian or Aryan or whatever. the thing is, where are you now? thats all that matters. the entire history of the world has completely changed, so it really should matter who your ancestors were.

  5. No.

    It's isn't a cultural war most of the time; MOST people get along.

    I live in a diverse area. People get on the bus, and get off; they work; they go to the store; they do fun stuff. 99.9% of the interactions have no war or conflict about them.

    You're only noticing the relatively few conflicts, and not the 99.9%.

    It's not "utopian" at all; it's real. All humans are human; most just want to live their lives.

    Political correctness has made great strides in cutting down on racial epithets, jokes, and the like. There's social pressure to not condemn entire groups of people for silly reasons, such as skin tone.

    Most people really don't care about all the garbage.

    And those few who do care are fewer and fewer with each generation.

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