
Is diving a very good hobby for people who want to avoid getting damp?

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I like the sea but hate getting wet. And fish. Please advise.




  1. yes, it's beautiful and silent underwater the colors just stand out it's a separate world you must try. Good luck

  2. sure..

  3. Think about it - diving means that you go IN the water, therefore you are going to get wet. And divers do not get to control where the fish go.

  4. Not sure if this is a serious question; but I am going to answer as if it were.  

    If you honestly love fish and the sea but do not like the water and the feeling of being wet there are actually options for you.   You can dive with wetsuits that will keep you mainly dry and allow you to go under the water and experience the wonderful seas.   If this is still not enough, there are dry suits; these suits are filled with air and keep the wearer completely dry underwater.   These are typically designed for cold water dives where it is impossible to dive and remain safe.  

    So, if you really want to dive and experience the great sea it is possible though not exactly logical.   If you really want to experience the sea I would recommend one of 2 things:

    1) Get over your fear of the water and enjoy the great hobby of diving.

    2) If that is just not possible, don't dive, diving is for those who enjoy the water and are able to competently swim and navigate the seas.  Try something else like going on submarines or the aquariums.

  5. I sought professional help for my fear of damp. I'm a log flume attendant by trade - and I managed to get work to pay for it. What the French would call "un resultat".

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