
Is dog food good for you?

by Guest32983  |  earlier

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If not then I am in no good condition...




  1. sure makes you run faster jump higher but thats abt it LOL!!!!

  2. Yes,

    ive heard it is even better than human food!

    No joke.

  3. r u insane or insane??? =)

  4. dog food is good for only dogs

  5. yes

  6. It's not bad for you, they feed it to dogs don't they? I wouldn't recommend a lot of it though, but I'm no doctor.

  7. Why would anyone want to eat Dog Food

  8. oldman, why would you eat dog food ?

  9. why would it be good for you?

    your a human not a dog

    and thats DOG food

  10. This is kind of a stupid question but here goes ...... my brother and i used to dare each other to eat my dogs food and when I actually sat down to figure out what kind of horror we had ingested I found out that it is made mostly of surplus grade meat.... the lowest of the low surplus meat is boiled off the bones of meat after it is butchered up for human consumption..... not very tasty sounding but none the less harmless  

    So Eat Up Idiot !

  11. It's ok to eat if you're a dog !

  12. Better than McDicks

  13. well since its DOG food..i don't see how it could benefit a human

  14. It depends on whether you're eating dry or canned but in excess, no its not terribly healthy. A lot of what goes into pet foods are the parts of cows and chickens and pigs that are deemed unfit for human consumption. So I wouldn't reccomend eating it on a regular basis. Although, its cheap and available, so people do eat it. Just be careful- processing plants for those foods don't always have the same FDA laws as plants that process for humans.


  16. Yes, but cat food is better

  17. you aren't in good condition then.  dogs and people need different vitamins etc, some overlap and some don't.

  18. I eat Dog Food™ on a regular basis, and I feel splendid. In fact, my health is probably on it's highest right now and my consumption of Dog Food™ is not doing any harm to my condition.

  19. It really depends on what kind... I'm not sure why your eating dog food, but..i have read in articles that dog food can be made out of terrible things! Roadkill, dark meat, pure cow fat, and even euthanized animals!!!! it's pretty nasty, you should get organic choice dog food, and read the ingredients label! So to answer your question...NO!

  20. if your a dog... PLEASSeee give me best answer

  21. Never had it so I can't comment. But it is great for the dog.

  22. YES! omg i always eat it, im a runner and it gives me all the carbs and protein i need. i eat it for breakfast almost everyday!!

    also ever since i started eating it my teeth have gotten whiter!!

    and this next part might be a little TMI but it has helped my diahrea problems(hehe)

  23. Oh no your gonna start barking soon... you better stop eating that...

  24. It's not bad for you , but you shouldn't eat it.

    Once i remember that i took one and i ate it and it wasn't that bad.

  25. awwwwww u passed the doggy test!!!

  26. You passed the idiot test!!! Your score was


  27. I remember I ate a whole handful of catfood when I was younger. It was gross.  

    I don't think humans get all the benefits that a dog does when they eat dogfood bc remember the factories and stuff formulate the dogfood and its vitamins and whatnot for dogs and not for humans.

    But I dont think it can harm you.

  28. if you wanna eat waste from making some types of human foods, than you should try :P

  29. Oh Geeez what a waste of time posting this question!!  No it is not healthy for you to eat dog food, cat food or any other food that is made for animals unless it is organic.....There are vitamins and minerals that we need that you couldn't possibly get from pet food. So, take that as you will, and so with it what you like.  

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