
Is dogging still a popular pastime in the UK? Anyone still taking part?

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any good car park addresses for me?





    try here


  3. Don't take part myself. Apparently according to my local paper the wardens and rangers are getting a bit worried at the amount of dogging and outdoor s*x going on in the local country parks and have been asking the police for assistance. The police response was let them get on with it, we have got better things to do with our time and resources. If you want try the car parks at One Tree Hill, Langdon Hills,Essex.( Between Stanford -le-Hope and Basildon)_

  4. Lol, theres probably a website on that somewhere...

  5. Again i have parked up(slang for parking up) at many car parks to watch this popular pastime but i find that the local roundabout with its adorable green grass and pebbles spelt out in the towns name far more interesting and with the added bonus of a couple of dogs ''doing it'' an added incentive to watch.

  6. My fat oik of a boyfriend insists we go dogging every Saturday night. He pretends he just likes walking round the countryside in the dark - but we always seem to "accidentally" come across rocking cars with steamed up windows.

    I don't know what to do, Crispy. Please advise xx

  7. yes the car park near toys r us off the A12 is a hot spot


  8. dogging has been banned for 50 years you idiot. you can buy a dog and fck it in the @ss if you want to but dont get caught!!

  9. Well if you look like the person in the avatar, would you have the energy to make your way to ANY car park?

  10. I have a new car now, if I park anywhere and see any goings on I will tell you first.

  11. yes dial 999 i'm sure they can help you.

  12. lol right its still going but its normally young people now a days.

    You never know you might find one for older people.

  13. like you can even fit into a car

  14. way off topic with this one and not relevant.

  15. pervert!

  16. Are you sure you can creep around surreptitiously without being seen?  Even after dark?

  17. Please don't provide me with these mental images I'm eating my dinner!

  18. Heyyyy,crispy,where you been?

  19. the 5 mile lane near me is a popular dogging site for err dog walking .. hmm ...

  20. Try:

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