
Is doing heroine a wise decision as far as my health goes?

by  |  earlier

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I've heard it's highly benefitial to your organs.




  1. This is a joke right?

  2. it's only beneficial if you combine it with tootsie rolls


  4. hahaha ARE YOU SERIOUS FU(KING RETARDED do even look at herion dammn ppl these days must be hitting those r****d pills becuz S**t can u get anymore stupid. that like saying is jumping in front of a train a good idea becuz thats what using herion will do  

  5. No not at all.  It will cause damage to your brain (atrophy and memory loss) Its bad for your veins which run through all your organs. If you smoke it, its ten times worse than cigarette damage.   You if not already will become very addicted and your life will revolve around your next fix.  You can't quit cold turkey so you will have to go to rehabilitation.  I hope your question wasn't a joke.

  6. just by reading people's responses, you can tell....uh....NOOO!!! Are you kidding!?!? It is highly addictive and will make you delusional, paranoid, sick, etc.

    No way is it good for your organs.  

  7. ooo ya that brown powder is my fav and im not talking about sugar

  8. errrr - what do you think - stoopid!!!

  9. Some researchers tout the benefits of moderate heroin use. "Moderate heroin use appears to reduce the possibility of developing heart disease by 52% and cancer by 75%. Additionally, moderate heroin users enjoy a lifespan that is on the average 8.6 years longer than non-addicts."

  10. -.- ...  

  11. Okay, so you've just proved that you're an idiot.

  12. Dont take that stuff man. You dont need it. Theres better things u could do.Dont be a druggy  

  13. uh... i think u should ur already messed up beliving its good for u...

  14. why would you want to touch that ****!!!

  15. LOL you're kidding, right? heroin is a very expencive but efficient way to kill yourself and that's all.

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