
Is dolphin not a fish,becoz as it has no gills and breaths by reaching water that true

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Is dolphin not a fish,becoz as it has no gills and breaths by reaching water that true




  1. it's a mammal.

  2. Breaths Air, and Live Birth VS Gills too breath in water, and "egg" birth.


  3. no,it is a fish but it have un modified breathing organs such as other fishes

  4. yes

    dolphin is not a fish but a mammal which uses its lungs for its breathing

  5. Dolphin is a mammal:

    it breathes air, has skin, feeds it young with milk.

    fish are fish:

    they get their oxygen from water, have scales and do not produce milk

    by the way, not all mammals have live births, some lay eggs. Some fish lay eggs and some have live births. How an animal gives birth is nothing to do with whether they are a fish or a mammal.

  6. the dolphin is an aquatic mammal like the whale

  7. No, not true.  It's got all the traits of a mammel, warm blooded, it's young comes out alive, not an egg, and it breaths air.  It just holds in under water for around..10 minutes I think?

    And to the post above me, live birth is one of the common traits of a mammel but it's not required to be a mammel you are correct there.

    Another one strangly is a platapus if I remember correctly..but I could also be very wrong about that.  I want to say their young come out as eggs as well.

  8. its not a fish... its a mammal

  9. Dolphins are mammals, not fish. They are warm blooded like man, and give birth to one baby called a calf at a time.

    Irrawaddy dolphins are not fish and need to breathe air just like humans and other land animals

  10. A dolphin is a mammal, it has lungs rather than gills, and there are no such things as dolphin eggs. (Unless its dolphin ova.)

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