
Is domestic violence aginst men due to the inner beleif that a man should not never be physical with a woman?

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The sufferings of these boyfirends and husbands does it betray a silence and helplessness because of their inner beleifs that they should not hit back or is because they beleive they wont get justice from the legal courts if they spoke up?

This question is as much about the credibilty of the courts in terms of gender equality.




  1. make your question more clear

  2. fact is in most cases the man will be the one arrested regardless of who is the real aggressor. yes this does skew the statistics but it is not what the focus should be. we men need to learn and we should teach that when a abusive women comes into your life.......GET THE F OUT OF THE RELATIONSHIP FAST! end it , get your **** and move out, get away from her as fast as you can before it can get to this point. We need to learn not to take **** and not to let it go in hopes that it was just a incident. If a women i was seeing got belligerent and screaming at me i would call it over because i know right there that it can turn violent and once she takes it to the next level i most likely will be the one to get arrested even if she is the perp.

    edit, man in-search of, i know you are from India and i have been reading on the laws of DV in India and the one just passed in Mexico. in Mexico a man now can be arrested for even indifference to his wife, what i want to know is how can a man get out of a marriage there ........... does he just have to go through all the arrest thing to really be able do to the way these laws are? i mean hey in Mexico if a man does not talk to his wife and ignores her and leaves he can be arrested for indifference now and face up to 5 years. is it like that there to?

  3. Susan...

    Please accept my heartiest condolences.

    I know you are going through tough times.

    May God help you get over this loss.


  4. I think it's a little bit of both. some Men will not hit a Woman back no matter what she does to him. and then we the court and police they will come and listen and arrest the man even if he shows signs of abuse. I am sorry i don't have any stat to back this up. I only know this from listening to real men who have been abused by their wife or gf.

    As everyone here knows by now my dad was a victim of abuse from my mom. she beat him a week before he died. she broke his jaw and gave him 2 black eyes. women can hurt men I know i saw this growing up. my dad also abused my mom I just hate watching and hearing about any violence against anyone if you can't control your temper and you hit someone don't whine when they hit you back. and if you can't control your temper and you beat each other in front of your kids then you should have your kids taken away from you before they learn to abuse. just my 2 cents from watching this c**p growing up. God Bless

    EDIT:  IC Thank you very much that means a lot to me. God Bless

  5. Just complaining about domestic violence to the police/other will get many laughs in your face.

    I don't believe in violence against women nor do I any longer believe in the court system.

    Susan, sorry to hear about your dad.  It is going to hurt for awhile.  Try to join some Yahoo bereavement groups and talk it out.  May you also go to bereavement counseling/group.

    Good luck to you!  My parents died and it was hard for me to accept that.

  6. No, it's because like women that suffer, these people are mentally vilnerable. It has nothing to do with phsycial strength, it's a mental conditioning where they think they deserve it or it's normal way of life. Eg if a man hit me, even if he was full of muscles and 6'5, I'd kill him, but the women that stand for it aren't mentally normal.

    Also there is a taboo between men, they think they are weak if they own up to it.

    This is in no way a problme caused by women, but by men - they fear that they will be ridiculed and less manly by their peers.

    EDIT: Domestic violence laws protect both. If you are in domestice violence then go to the police, there are people that can help you

  7. Another question is whether this is the instinct for men to protect their women and children. The same feeling a mother feels in protecting her children.

    Or as the feminists would put it, is that it is all about social conditioning.

    I would tend to believe it is this inner restraint of a man to not strike a woman and especially not to strike his loved one.

    In my case my ex tried to attack me many times. I had to restrain her on every occasion. Only on one occasion did my blood boil and I had to warn her to not provoke me further because I didn't want to strike her. Eventually she calmed down. However, the next day she ran to her solicitors and tried to get me done for assault based on the bruises on her wrists where I had restrained her. Being arrested was good fun.......for her. Luckily there were three witnesses.

    However in the family courts she used this incident to good effect to deny my contact to my daugher for a good long time.

    Justice indeed.

  8. i believe if a women wants to act like a man, she should be treated like a man. women need to be put in their place man, all this equal rights c**p is getting out of hand, women are getting the upper hand. and i do believe that they are favoured in the legal system. personally if i was attacked by girlfriend or wife, id hit her back and then just kick her out the house...

  9. The courts do not recognize domestic violence of woman against men. Women use different methods than men and can be hard to prove. I believe if they wanna play like a man, then it leaves them wide open. But you would probably be arrested if you retalliated.

  10. No, it's about the fact that a person should not put their hands in violence on another human being.

  11. You are in search of an echo chamber, not answers.

    Your questions are invariably rhetorical, and as such not genuine.

  12. No, domestic violence against men is due to the fact that some women, like some men, have anger management issues.

    If you are in an abusive relationship you should leave it.

  13. A survey of "978 female college women [aged 20 and older found that] they expressed aggression toward their male partners in part because they wished to engage their partner's attention, particularly emotionally. Also assaultive women did not believe that their male victims would be seriously injured or would retaliate"

    Page 587 of the paper also lists the "deeper reasons" for domestic violence by the women in this study, which include:

    "I believe if women are truly equal to men then women should be able to express anger at them", and

    "I feel personally empowered when I behave aggressively towards my partner"

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