
Is downfiring subwoofer correct?

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Is downfiring subwoofer correct?




  1. yes , its ok to down firing a subwoofer as long as you have the power to keep it from clipping go to your explorer and type in Down firing your subwoofer. it did because i have never heard of it .

  2. Correct for what? What kind of floor do you have? If you have a wood floor, a downfirer will generally make the floor into a giant sub all it's own. You'll want a small piece of carpet or something under it though, to stop sound "bounce" (clattering or clipping)

    Sub is omni-directional, so it really doesn't matter where you put it, or which way it "points" (in relation to porting) though you don't want it right into a wall or anything.

    Downfires usually have a specific cabinet type, to deal with the different dynamics of a downfire, vs a standard ported, sealed rear sub.

    Check out the forum I posted in the "source" below.

  3. no it should be toward the celling

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