
Is dowsing paranormal?

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People have used dowsing rods to search for water with great success. Just wondering.




  1. Maybe partly right as the search should also be based on scientific methods!

  2. The paranormal part is open for debate. But the fact that dowsing works is beyond debate. There are parts of the country where they have a much better success ratio then trained geologist at finding water.

      There have been college studies done on the art of dowsing, and under laboratory conditions and were able to duplicate the success of the dowser using college students, so perhaps it is not paranormal, but rather in the realm of physics that we do not understand.

      I worked for a large corporation that had construction going on , and needed to locate the water mains under the cement parking lots, and they had been done so long ago, there were no blueprints available as to the location of the mains.  The company got a dowser with a forked willow limb and he located each and every one of them, how far they ran , and where they elled off at and where they went to . It was really rather amazing! The local television station recorded his success so there is a record of the event.

  3. Since a ghost/entity is made up of energy, and humans are made up of water, (and dowsing rods are attracted to water), it would seem more logical that the rods would be "attracted" to its handler than locating an energy mass.

  4. No, it's simply ideomotor effect coupled with high probabilities. Chances are very good that you live over an aquifer, a vast underground mass of water flowing very slowly through porous rock beds. Underground water is nearly everywhere. Anywhere you drill for a well, you're going to hit water if you're above an aquifer and you drill deep enough. Some wells will allow for greater water output than others, depending on the porosity of the rock you drill into, but you'll hit water.

    But these facts are not well known to the general public and you'll find many people who still think dowsing works on some paranormal ability. You'll hear many unconfirmed stories of how dowsers have better success rates than professional well drilling companies, too. In fact, some construction companies have been bamboozled into hiring dowsers or buying dowsing equipment from well-crafted "scientific" web sites. See the last link for an example of this kind of flim-flam.

  5. Yes.  And once again, like everything else paranormal, it doesn't actually work.  But since there's so much water underground, it's very easy to fool yourself into thinking it works.  However, when actually tested, no one has been able to pass.  Here's an easy way to test it.  Get 10 buckets.  Put a glass under each of them.  Put water in one of the glasses.  Then see if the dowser can find it.  Make sure he confirms he can find it before you hide the glass.  Then make him try again - and he won't find it.  This test has been repeated many, many times.  There's a few videos of dowsing tests for the million dollar prize at  They failed.

  6. Sorry, I think not.

  7. It is very demonic and it will attract demons to the individual who uses it. It is an occultic object.

    This guy used it once and the demon followed him home. His moods began to change for the worst, his grades slips and drawings (cuts) began to appear on his back out of nowhere. He had to go to a priest for them to exorcize him.
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