
Is dr,. demento still on the radio?

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i can't even find him on my serius satalite radio. i have found a bunch of music from his shows on limewire. i'd like to hear him on the radio again. his x-mas shows were great!




  1. Yes.

    That would be Sirius.

  2. Some of this is industry buzz words, but it's an interesting take on the state of syndicated and terrestrial radio today. Your question will be answered on the website, but, from the Doctor's mouth, to your ears:

    <<A note from Dr. Demento...

    Recently a few people have written scathing online denunciations of Talonian Productions, the company that produces and distributes the Dr. Demento Show.

    Talonian is not what some uninformed denouncers have claimed. Talonian Productions is wholly owned by myself. Talonian currently employs a manager, Arthyr Chadbourne, and a webmaster.

    For many years the show was supported by national advertisers. The fees they paid supported the entire budget of the show and enabled me to make a living. That's the way radio is supposed to work.

    In the past few years advertiser support for the show has evaporated. I've heard various explanations of this, but the most sensible one seems to be that our listenership is spread too thinly among various demographic groups. Advertisers prefer programming that appeals to particular segments (such as women aged 18-34 or men 30-45) so that they can reach listeners prepared to buy their products in a more efficient manner. I was always proud that the show appealed to entire families, but that is starting to look like more of a curse than a blessing.

    Therefore, though we still have some fine stations carrying the show, we are not making enough from radio to support it.

    For that reason, we decided to launch a fee-based Internet service. We felt this offered a chance for the show to become self-supporting once again, and in addition made it possible for people in areas not served by one of our radio affiliates (which is most of the country, alas) to hear the show.

    Many listeners have been happy with this service. Others have complained, mostly to such forums as Most often, they are unhappy that our Internet streams are not free of charge. It may be true, as the old song said, that "the best things in life are free"...but we do have to pay royalties to the creators of the songs we play, and we also have to pay for the website's own operation...and I do have to make a living somehow. Therefore, we charge *a very modest fee for the streaming -- a rate we feel is fair to ourselves and our audience.

    Several of the show's radio affiliates stream their own programming, free of charge (the expense is defrayed by advertising). Since we don't share in the stations' ad revenue, we have asked them to discontinue their streams while our show is on. Most stations have been very understanding about this.

    I have loved doing this show for 37 years, and have felt incredibly lucky to have made a living from something I love. However, unless the show's financial situation changes soon I will be unable to continue the show much longer.

    Thank you for your understanding and support!

    -Dr. Demento>>

    -a guy named duh

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