
Is drifting a car possible only in rear wheel drive?? If not how exactly is it performed in any car say swift.

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people have told me that drifting is possible only in rear wheel drive cars... Thought about it and got pretty much convinced.. Share your views with me..




  1. Drifting is easiest and better balanced with a RWD car...but it is possible to slide FWD and AWD cars, its just more difficult.

    Most professional drifters will tell you riding the E-brake is not Drifting and they call drivers/cars that do derogatory terms like "***-dragger".   To "respectfully"(and i use that loosely) drift a FWD car, you will need a fairly radical suspension setup (focused on front grip only, no rear bite), crazy tire stagger, more rear brake bias and master some "momentum" drifting techniques: Feint, Pendulum, Trail Brake...and even then you will need very high speed to pull it off.  No slow speed, super smokey, crowd pleasing Power-overs like a RWD can do.

  2. drifting is possible with any car, druck, minivan, scooter.  Lol my fwd automatic volvo drifts like a beast, its called e brake.  And any car thats manual is a beastly drifter.  Comon drifting orriginated from fwd nissans and hondas.

  3. The above poster is half right.

    You can make a FWD "drift" for a second with e-brake.  It iwll be more like skidding.

    But the kind of drifting you see on TV can only be done with RWD.  That's because when you go through a turn, you lose energy, and if you e-brake on top of that, you lose speed real quickly and will not have enough to drift after about 1 second.

    With RWD, you can POWER through a turn.  With a FWD, when you try to power through a turn, it will severly under steer and go straight instead.

    good luck...

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