
Is drinking 2 glasses of wine a day alcoholic?

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Is drinking 2 glasses of wine a day alcoholic?




  1. HAHAHA definately not alcoholic. If it were 2 Cases of wine, then you should wonder

  2. I don't think so.

    Do you depend on it?  Can you do without it?  An alcoholic does not know when to stop and relies on that alcohol daily.

  3. i dont think so...but i heard a glass of wine a day is good for maybe 2 glasses cant be that bad

  4. Go for two weeks without having any.  If you can do it, your fine, if not, you have a problem with alcohol.

  5. Not even close.

    I'm guessing you've never known an alcoholic.

  6. No as wine is good for you as long as you drink it moderately.2 glasses is great.Even a Dr, will tell you it is ok(he told my husbands grandma is was good for her)

  7. If yoiu can't get through the day without them then in a way yes.

    Different kinds of alcoholics.  Those who binge and get so drunk cant walk, thgose who have to drink every day.  And of course the kind most people associate with alocoholism which is you get so drunk you cant walk every chance you get.

  8. Not necessarily.

    If you cannot stop having two glasses a day (or an equivalent) then there might be a problem.

  9. Two glasses of wine a day does not make you an alcoholic, in fact it may make you a healthier person.  Moderation with alcohol is always the key.

  10. I think it depends on your metabolism. I've been drinking wine for over 35 years.  I usually do 2 to 3 glasses a day. And there have been days I did more than a bottle. My wife on the other hand gets a buzz by sniffing the cork. I drink the wine because I enjoy it, and never get a buzz unless I add a nightcap.  I'm 61 yrs old, in good shape and bike 20 to 25 miles several day a week.

    I will say though, that if two glasses of wine gets you a bit tipsy, cut back.

  11. Yes, especially if you get drunk

  12. Only if you feel that you HAVE to drink it. If you can go without drinking it and not spare a second thought about it, then you are probably NOT  an alcoholic. try that.

  13. What happens if you DON'T drink wine for a day or two? ... Do you find yourself obsessing about it? .If so, you might have a problem... But, the fact that you can stop after only 2 glasses is a good indication that you're NOT an alcoholic.......

  14. If you feel you NEED those glasses of wine or say... I had a good day I want wine or I had a bad day I need wine. Then yes.

    But if its just because then no!

  15. Not alcoholic!

  16. Alcoholism is a condition not a quantity or a proofage. People can drink heavily all their lives and not get it, and others are born with it and never drink.

  17. No, absolutely not.

  18. Depends how big the glasses are; normal wine glass then no but if its pint glasses then YES

  19. Two glass of alcohol every single day of your life sounds like you are dependant of it.  If you depend on alcohol, you're an alcoholic.

  20. your on the edge. people might argue both ways but your about to cross the line. stop drinking so much; maybe use smaller glasses (and still only have two cups) or only drink one. alcohol is poison, it doesn't do a thing for you

  21. Not in the least bit. Most people drink that over dinner, daily.

  22. A little red wine every day is good for the heart.

  23. yes it is.later it will lead to liver damage if it is a routine.

  24. Not at all... Wine is more of a drink than an alcohol..Maybe if you drink 7 bottles a day

  25. it depends if it is every single day then yea but if its just once in awile then u r okay but if u keep on doing it ur on ur way

  26. no not at all. People in France drink it everyday with meals. Your an alcoholic if you NEED it.

  27. Alcoholism is defined as the excessive consumption of and dependence on alcoholic beverages, leading to physical and psychological harm and impaired social and vocational (job) functioning.

    If the person consuming 2 glasses of wine each day cannot stop drinking, or if that person is drinking to "escape" or obtain a particular feeling (a "buzz"), it is very possible that there is a problem with alcohol abuse and/or dependency.

  28. can be if you feel it is something you have to have,dont want to do with out it

  29. I drink two.  I guess you'd only be an alcoholic if you can't go without having the wine.

  30. NO! In my opinion, alcoholism is when you become dependent on alcohol to live, and need it all the time, whether its at work, home, church.. all the time.

    Don't worry about people who judge you. You live your life as you wish, and if it bothers you to drink wine every day, then  you need to resolve matters with yourself. Don't worry about what others think :)

  31. No, not at all.  Watch "Intervention" on A&E-- THAT'S an alcoholic.

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