
Is drinking 2 litres of water per day enough?

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I usually drink 4 pint glasses worth of water per day, one at breakfast, one at lunch, one at dinner time and one at supper time. Would you say that's enough water? I keep hearing about the importance of drinking enough, am I doing so?





  1. You are drinking the recommended amount of water everyday. Do not drink too much water as it can lead your body to become over hydrated.

  2. As long as you're drinking other stuff as well then that should be fine.

    It also depends on the size on the Glass.

    Water is often in other drinks; coffee, Juice, etc.  But have just water as well is also a good thing.

  3. If you are drinking that much then it's plenty.  Remember that you are taking in water in food and any other drinks and they always forget to tell you that this is part of the recommended 2litres.

  4. I agree with Maldavi. Check out this article in the BBC on medical myths:

  5. Are you still thirsty? If so drink more if not don't! I do not think there has ever been any research that prooves drinking 8 litres (or whatever) actually benefits you.

  6. The old 8 glasses rule does not take into account water absorbed by foods, and juices. (Caffeinated soda excluded because you will lose more water than gain because of the caffeine.)

    As long as you take some water when you're thirsty that seems like enough to me; though if you want something more accurate, then check your urine, if it's yellow then you need to drink more, if it's nearly clear or a light shade of yellow, you're probably doing fine as is.

  7. 2L is fine... you don't want to drink any more than that rally 'cause you can take too much salt out of your body and that can make you really ill or die. A guy who ran the Great North Run, i think it was last year, dies from drinking too much water.

  8. I drink 3-4 litres of iced water every day, other than wearing a track to the toilet I find no ill effects......................

  9. Yeah 2 litres is plenty. They say around 8 glasses a day but that is around 2 litres so your just fine.

    you dont want to drink loads more cause that can be dangerous and you can wash the potassium out of your body.

  10. i literally cannot drink that much, if i did my new home would be the toilet.

    And yes thats good ;)

  11. what was recommended was 1.5lts atleast per day!

    and you having 2ltrs dear is far than enough.

    its good.very good indeed.

    there are some who can barely drink

    i would just suggest you to keep going and you will feel very healthy.

    i can drink until 5-6ltrs per day..

    but i now feel bloated.seems like im drinking too much.

    im limiting myself to 3ltrs now..what can i do,i just love water ^_^

  12. 2 litres is the reccomendation so keep it up. Its to flush any bad stuff through your body.

  13. probably more than enough.

    scientists sre now saying that it's just a myth that we SHOULD drink 8 glasses of water a day because we absorb enough liquids through food we eat and the juice,tea and other drinks we have throughout the day (coffee doesn't really count though because it's an anti-diuretic)


  14. Yeah you are drinking enough water because really the limit is at least 6 full glasses a day but I think it depends on your intake of water and what your weight limit is also. But I don't think that really makes a difference. Keep up the work of drinking water.

  15. If you are in a climate similar to UK this is more than enough. We underestimate how much water we absorb from food, and the jury is still out on exactly how much is the right amount anyway. If your urine is pale yellow, and you do not feel thirsty, then be reassured you are drinking enough. If you are thirsty after 2 litres, the nyou should get a quick health check from G.P to rule out any other cause. Watch your salt intake. This is normally alsways too high for our needs, and may contribute to thirst and dehydration. It is very difficult not to get enough salt in our diet, and very easy ro get too much.

  16. Drink when you're thirsty.  Don't worry about what you hear regarding how much you should drink per day.  Your body will generally tell you what you need.

    Best test is looking at the color of your urine.  If it's very dark, you need more water.  If it's very pale, you're probably getting more than enough water.

  17. that sounds about right

  18. Yes I would say that is enough.

  19. 8 is suppose to be the amount,but drink what ure comfy with,otherwise the toilet will be ure new living room....

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