
Is drinking a lot of iced tea unhealthy?

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like at least 40 oz a day




  1. it it's freshly brewed herbal and no sugar it's the best drink for summer

  2. Interesting, LOL

    I hope not - I drink about half a gallon day!!!  

  3. Well drinking alot of tea could be unhealthy because there is alot of sugar and caffine.

  4. Well, a lot of iced tea has a lot of sugar in it, but if you get the kind without any sugar (or if it's natural sugar), then it should be fine...DRINK ON!!!

  5. No--tea is rich in anti-oxidants, so it's actually good for you. Black tea is also high in caffeine, which isn't so good (it can cause insomnia and other problems), so I recommend green or white tea, which have less caffeine.

  6. Just as long as you drink plenty of water through out the day with it, because if you drink too much it can cause kidney stones.  

  7. the tea itself is not unhealthy.  it's the sugar you add that might be though. It's empty calories that could make you overweight.

  8. It depends on how much you consider a lot is. As long as you are still getting adequate nutrition and are also drinking water you should be fine. But if you only drink tea without eating and drinking water that would be unhealthy.

  9. Drinking too much of anything is not good.

  10. Tea is one of the healthiest drinks around.

    As long as it's freshly prepared and not bought in a bottle or anything that most likely has preservatives, colourings, flavourings, acids, and sugars added (sometimes they'll add fructose rather than glucose, which is seen as more "natural" and in some countries they don't have to declare it... but it's just as bad for your teeth. Natural doesn't mean "good for you" like the PR departments would have you think.)

    Tea does contain caffeine, so be careful not to drink too much of it if you're sensitive to it.

    (EDIT: All drinks are mostly water so you get plenty of it from that; it just takes a little longer to absorb as your body has to separate everything out. Caffeine is a diuretic (causes the body to release water), but you get plenty more water from a glass of tea than you lose. Probably not a good idea to stick to just tea though.)

  11. Yes it can be unhealthy.  It can cause kidney stones to form and that can be very painful.  So watch how much you drink.

  12. Iced tea is a diuretic so it can dehydrate you to drink too much. Iced tea can be bad in that aspect. Just mix it up and drink some water too and you should be fine. Tea is good for you contains a lot of antioxidants and it's just plain yummy!

  13. In addition to sugar (if you drink it sweet) it has alot of caffeine.  That isn't so good for you either.

  14. Depends on the sugar. If it has alot of sugar be careful!  

  15. It's ok to drink unsweetened iced tea (with artificial sweetener or not) but it can't replace pure water. You need water to flush out your system, or you can get kidney stones :(( Make sure you drink plenty of water, kidney stones are not very fun.  

  16. Tea is the most natural thing there is, say no to a lot of sugar and use honey.  

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