
Is drinking a pot of coffee a day dangerous?

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I've been drinking coffee since I was 14 (i'm 21), I've recently had blood/urine tests, utlra sound, x-ray, and a CT Scan for something completely unrelated. And there's nothing wrong with me, none the less:

I noticed I've been drinking almost a pot of coffee a day for the last month or so, to give me that energy to make it through the day. This seems a little excessive when I stop and think about it, considering I also have Pop, espresso, and energy drinks once in a while aside from the pot of coffee.

I try to drink as much water as I do coffee...




  1. Depending on caffeine to get you through the day is unhealthy but if that is what you need, don't worry to much about it.  The only thing to worry about is your stomach.  Coffee is very acidic and can eventually cause ulcers if too much is consumed.  I would continue to watch your intake and keep drinking a lot of water.  If you notice that your stomach hurts between your ribs (where your diaphragm is), or if you are having trouble sleeping or eating certain foods, you should go to the doctor.  Let untreated, ulcers can perforate and then you will bleed internally.

  2. my mom used to drink 3-6 a day! and they were the big 12-cup pots! it was rediculous

  3. I ama diabetic and we are told to cut our consumption, your biggest concern should not be the coffee so much as the things you put in it, like milk, cream or sugar, even artifical sweetener is a problem in excess, coffee is also a diuretic making your kidneys work harder.

    I know several people including my landlord who use coffee as a food group, and while ti is not going to harm you, it affects all people differently.

  4. Probably not, but watch your caffeine intake.  Too much caffeine can make you irritable and nervous.

  5. i don't think so, but i am no doctor

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