
Is drinking cold milk at night healthy for me?

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Well, i drink it at around 11 or 12 at night. Im 16.




  1. Are you watching your diet?Anyway,milk is best for insomia!

  2. wth idc

  3. warm milk @ night helps u fall alseep and stay asleep.

  4. Is it cold or warm milk cause if its warm it may help u sleep but who needs sleeping lol.. so i would have to say yes ur nightly glass of milk can not be bad for you  

  5. It's not unhealthy, but warm milk is noted as helping people go to sleep. Whatever works for you though.

  6. Whole milk is probably the best to drink late at night

    However, be warned that it does have carbs, so if you drink it in large excess (especially skim milk) that may be stored as fat.

  7. Why wouldn't it be? Please explain a little more. I wouldn't drink more than about 4 oz's though.

  8. Yes, milk is good for you at any time. Vitamins and calcium are good, but try to get the lower fat milk!  

  9. Get your calcium from another source.

    Cow juice is toxic...

    Full of antibiotics......and harm full chemicals that are fed to cattle..

    Grandma's advice of a glass of milk before bed,,

    They didn't pump the animals with chemicals back in grandma's days..

    Today they do..........Look at the asian population ,, who never drank milk , until after wwll.........

    Now they have cancers and ailments never before seen..

    You decide..

  10. Uh..yea..especially if you can't get to sleep. It helps you get sleepy.

  11. it is rich in calcium so drink up!

  12. It doesn't matter what time it is.  Drinking milk is not bad for you, unless you are lactose intolerant, then you'll be pooping all night and can't sleep.

  13. I drink milk like it's going to be gone tomorrow...absolutely love it.

    I hope everything's ok with it, I probably drink it most at that hour. The milk is probably pretty healthy for me, in comparison to that plate of cookies I'm slammin it down to.  

  14. if it's not that cold no! make it warm if you can.

  15. I cup of cold milk before bed is good for you !

    Try not to drink whole milk though, cause it has more fat calories, then

    the Fat Free Milk.  

  16. It depends...

  17. Milk's healthy, no matter what time it is.

  18. not really. it  is actually good that u want to drink milk lots of people don't drink milk so good job u r going to be healthy

  19. umm it won't matter what time you drink it, but it will help you sleep.

  20. it will only help you, it will not harm you

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