
Is drinking lots of milk good for building muscle fast?

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i know milk has a lot of protein so.... can i use that to build muscle?




  1. contrary to popular belief, protein actually leeches the calcium from the bones and it exits your body through your urine.  You will feel the urge to pee alot, even if you havent not had any fluids to drink lately.

    milk is so loaded with cholesterol, you will not lose fat and gain muscle like most people think....

    also, if you are going to drink milk, buy some organic milk, you wont taste a difference im being honest, the organic milk doesn't have all those fake hormones that they give to cows and put in the milk

    just facts

  2. good for strengthening bones...

  3. It Is Known That Protein Helps Build Muscle So Yeah Milk Can Help You Grow And Build Muscle. But You Should Also Be Eating Other Types Of Food With Protein As Well. i Would Suggest Some Meat. Not All. Some Is Known As Bad.

    Good Luck!

  4. Well, the body builders I know go to the local health food store and buy whey powder which is a concentrated product of milk.

  5. No, you would have to drink loads of milk to consume enough protein, and also, protein supplies you with slow-digesting protein, you need a fast-digesting protein pre and post-workout, because your muscle fibers have been broken down and needs the nutrients from the protein delivered fast.  

    If you consumed all the protein you needed from milk you would also overdose on calcium, which has various consequences.

    I highly suggest you purchase Whey protein from your local vitamin store.  In one scoop you get the equivalent of 3 glasses of the protein from milk, and Whey is a fast-acting protein.

    It is completely natural and safe, Whey protein is just protein in the form of powder, it is extracted from milk and soy.

    Best of luck!

  6. NO: but if its uscle u wanna build and you work out regurally drink whey protein and eat beef before you work out.

  7. youll probably gain more mass but not muscle.. more like fat.  

    try eating protien and maybe drinking a protien shake with the milk.  i hope your working out along with this or your just gonna gain weight.  

    my x drank those protien shakes and claimed he was going to the gym.. and he was even on roids for a while. but he wasnt really going to the gym.. he was with some other chic.. but trying to make it seem like he was in the gym and endedup putting on a sh*tload of fat.. Now hes just a fatty .. and alone.

    make sure your working out.

  8. it will build fat...its full of fat.  try meat for protein lean meat that is

  9. a protien powder for that.

  10. no.. milk builds strong even says so on the commercial.

    please dont reduce urself to steriods

  11. PROTEIN, PROTEIN, PROTEIN. You can try protein shakes.

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