
Is drinking soda at night bad for me.

by Guest32525  |  earlier

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is it bad to drink soda at night.

like im 13 and i drink soda like around 9 or 10.

and end up staying up til like 1 in the morning.

i feel like its bad for me.

also. i feel like soda is like beer.

because people drink beer and cant stop. because its addicting

i drink soda and sometime i cant drink only one. i need to drink at least 2.

p.s i dont drink beer just soda and water :D




  1. Soda is always pretty bad for you. It always makes my teeth feel like ****, but I still drink a lot, too. I don't really think it's any more bad for you when you drink it late, although the implications might. As long as you sleep later too, then it's fine.

  2. soda isnt rlly nemore bad at night as day. its bad all together. i drink it a lot but yu would b a lot heathier if yu just knock off soda all together but for me i cnt lol cuz like yu said im addicted.  but no drinking soda at night isnt bad.

  3. It isn't necessarily bad to drink soda at night.  I drink soda late and sleep just fine.  If it's caffeine free, then you'd be better off.

    You might be a little misinformed about beer and its "addictive nature", but your 13, so don't worry about it.

  4. its bad and its fattening. i would stop if i were u

  5. Of coruse its bad for you.

    think about it it makes you stay up later.not being rude by the way

    you shouldnt really drink that much soda anyway its not good for you

    its probably messing up your system because you go to bed after.

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