
Is drinking too much water possible?

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Okay, so I don't know what is going on with me, but for some reason, I've been extremely thirsty today.. and there's nothing else to drink but water. So.. this morning I woke up and got me a huge glass of water, I was still thirsty so I got another huge glass of water.. then an hour later, I got another huge glass of water.. then 30 minutes later I got ANOTHER huge glass of water.. and then I kept on getting more and more water.. I'm still thirsty right now! What's going to happen to me if I drink alot of water? Am I drinking too much water? Is this unhealthy?




  1. i don't know if it is possible, maybe if you try hard enough.

  2. the only way you could drink to much

    water is if you had that

    all in a row, like nonstop

    college kids nowdays

    drink so much water that

    their cells flood and their

    body goes into overdrive

    otherwise, you cannot

    drink to much water,

    as long as you are

    going to the bathroom

    regurarly, too =)

  3. well since its water it is ok but it may cause bladder problems try to focus on things that will keep your mind off water

  4. that doesn't really sound like too much, but it is possible to drink too much water in too short an amount of time and it dilutes your sodium levels or something like that. I have also heard that too much overflows to your lungs but I'm not too sure on that...

    try eating less salty/sugary foods

  5. well, i'm not sure exactly how much water you have to drink in order to drown, but i've heard of that happening. so be careful...? i have no clue what else to say. maybe you could google this and see if something tells you how much water it takes to drown yourself?  it's pretty bizzarre.

  6. If you're thirsty then keep drinking.  You'll find it takes a lot of water to actually be unhealthy (unless your drowning in it).  One thing you have to keep in mind is water purity.  If you have extreamly pure water, you may not be retaining much of it because of low electrolyte concentration of the blood.  If you want to try that route, eat a serving of something salty, and take a multi-vitamin with your next glass.  (salty foods: chips, cheetos, pretzels, a couple of slices of lunch meat, bacon, some cheeses, bannanas, cantaloupe (posassium salts on the last two)).  Although sugar is technically an electrolyte, it's not nearly as effective as salts.

  7. its fine, did you know your really suposed to get at least 8 cups of water a day? so i think your ok, but just as long as your not forsing to drink water when you totaly waterd out! i heard a story of a mom who kept forsing her daughter to drink gallons and gallons of water and the girl died, so keep in mind that it is possible to have too much of a good thing!

  8. actually yes it can kill... but it has to be an excessive amount of water.

  9. no you can;t

  10. You can drink too much water but it has to be a very large amount in a very short amount of time. Situations like your happen from time to time in everybody. You may simply be figting something in your system now. If you are not peeing it out or this lasts for 2 days or more then go see your doctor. Otherwise you should be fine.

  11. Really large volumes of water consumed in a short amount of time can be lethal. Drinking 8-10 large glasses of water a day is totally normal and sometimes drinking more than that is normal too. May be you were dehydrated! You shouldn't worry unless you are drinking gallons at a time

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