
Is driving an automatic car with two feet illegal in NY State? Official answers please, not opinions. Thanks.

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Is driving an automatic car with two feet illegal in NY State? Official answers please, not opinions. Thanks.




  1. Do you mean, like to use your left foot for the brake and the right one for the gas?

    There are no official answers here (YohooAnswers!), for that you'd have to talk to a New York 'official' of some sorts.

    This is not something that can really be regulated. The sites below have all the New York Vehicle Code, and I can't find it mentioned anywhere.

    That said, it's more than a bit goofy to drive that way, and is not recommended. Stick to one foot for both, that way you'll never be on them both at the same time.

    It IS against the law, in all the US of A, to have car with heel - toe operation. That is, with one pedal that acts like the accelerator with your toe and brakes with your heel, or have your accelerator and brake set up so that you can use them like that.

  2. Why would it be illegal?.....who's gonna know?

    Sorry...but...I don't have an "official" answer for you.

    If it is illegal...and you have an accident....and they check the wear pattern on your brake pedal and find out you use your left foot to brake would anyone really know?....assuming it was illegal.

    It's kind of like asking...if it's illegal to drive with one hand or is really a trivial concern...don't ya think??

  3. I have never seen a car with feet, most of them have tires.

  4. It is illegal in every state because it is very dangerous and they can  watch your brake lights as you drive thru traffic and


  5. Legal but has been proven to be very dangerous and will wear out your brakes quicker....

  6. That isn't the standard way to drive least in America so I would assume it would be illegal.  Now I doubt it is well enforced because as long as you can DRIVE how will they know if you are using two feet?  They can't prove that.

  7. I dont know what your question means. I live here so if you can explain more in detail I can answer you.

  8. It is not illegal because how can anybody see your feet while you are driving???  There is no "official answers".  If you REALLY want to know, go to the place where you got your driver license (I hope you have one and I hope you know where it is) and ask somebody there.

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