
Is driving hard?

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I am about to turn 15 and I want to get my permit as soon as I can. Even though its probably not hard I was always wondering what driving would be like and pictured it being hard, probably because of video games. I really want to drive though because there is like nothing to walk to close to my house and I get bored when I am alone. Is driving difficult at all? I am pretty coordinated.




  1. driving is a little tough at first but once you get the hang of it, it is a peice of cake, just dont take ur eye off the road too long becuase u might not be in the same lane or on the road still.

  2. >>  pictured it being hard, probably because of video games.

    It is hard for some people and easy for others.  But a CAR is not a game.  You don't drive it to the max speed.  You drive it safely.

    Good Luck...

  3. What is hard about driving is not the operation of the vehicle itself but rather being 100% alert to other drivers and what they might be about to do, pedestrians, animals, etc.  As you become more used to driving, it hopefully will become 2nd nature to always be on the lookout for accidents or just something to avoid!  Good luck and don't think about video games in comparison!

  4. Nah, it's not hard. Even if you drive stick, you get used to it after a short time and you can fall asleep with that too.

    It's only hard in video games because you are going 160+ mph and such ;)

  5. if u drive auto it will be the easiest thing in the world and probably fall asleep while driving since it will be so easy and boring.   driving stick is harder but is more fun and keeps you in control a lot more.
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