
Is driving more dangerous today, or or 20-30 years ago?

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I call this the trailer trashification of driving.

Sure, cars are safer nowadays, and anyone can get cheap insurance. Does that mean that people don't have to give a c**p anymore?

More and more I find myself almost getting into accidents because the other driver is consumed with thier cell phone, GPS, or DVD player. Is it just me, or are people just dumber nowadays?




  1. There were a HECK of a lot less cars on the roads back then, but today's cars have a lot more safety features, so I would say it's about the same.

  2. Driving is more dangerous today than any time history.

    There are more people driving and doing these other than driving while driving.

    More gadgets are installed in the car to take the attention of driver away from driving.

    You are correct that cars are safer but driving is not.

  3. No it is not you and you have already answered you own question.

    In January 2007 a survey of 1,200 drivers found that 73 percent talk on cell phones while driving. Cell phone use was highest among young drivers.

    People just don't care about driving as they did 20, 30 or 40 years ago, driving back then was fun but driving today is a challenge.

  4. in 1970, I had a 62' Ford four door, I was ALSO a 1960, we were BOTH 8 years old, I lived among the farm people and had NOOOOO trouble driving down the old gravel road, I went back there about a year ago, same old gravel road, and people that looked to be in their early teens was running about 70 down this thing. The young people today watch WAY too much t.v. and think they can do the same as in the movies or on t.v., here's the surprise, THEY CAN'T, well they can right before the crash, as a truck driver I see this c**p all the time, there is about 4-5 times the number of cars out on the road today and everyday when I run the interstate through cities, there is always a handful of idiots that get on at an entrance ramp, run about 90 to get in the hammer lane, then fight their way back to the right lane just to get off 1 or 2 miles from where they got on at. My dad used to tell me about the good ol' days when there weren't many cars and stuff him and his brothers used to do, these are YOUR good ol'days, enjoy it while it lasts

  5. I'd say in certain aspects, it has gotten safer.  You do have a lotta technology that didn't exist 20-30 years ago--side airbags, traction control.

    Also, standards have probably gotten higher.

    But as you stated, there are some people that are easily distracted by the "add-ons" in the car.

    Overall, I'd still have to say driving is at least the same, if not safer, than it was in the past.

  6. The quality of the cars has gone up and the quality of drivers has gone down. All in all, it was safer in the 70's.

  7. No, it's not just you. It's me too.

    Dumber? Find me just ONE who knows what hand signals mean. They are still on the test, but nobody recognizes them anymore. Older motorcycle riders, that's it.

    Resposibility was something my parents taught. They were of that generation. Today, everyone wants to be blameless and sue happy. "Not my fault" and "Insurance will pay".......

    Wasn't but a few years ago that there were laws about having a TV screen, had to be out of the driver's sight. Seen a new car lately? Big "information panel" or "navigation screen". Same d**n thing to me. So it's a map. So what? It's still on a video screen.

  8. the cars are safer but the arsholes that drive them arent

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