
Is drug testing the same as Alcohol testing?

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my school is now startingg random drugtestingn.

so if u have drank would it show up on the drug test? if so what is some ideas of how to get it out of ursystemm?

Pleasez answer i really need to know..




  1. i know the portable ones are meaning the ones that tell you in two minutes! the other ones that go to a lab are probally different!

  2. "drug testing" means a battery of tests for many things, one of which is alcohol. YES, they can detect if you are in the midst of a hangover from drinking the night before. NO, there is nothing you can do to take the alcohol out of your system any faster than it already goes through natural body functions. Some will tell you that drinking lots of water or cranberry juice will make it go away faster. Not true. Excess water just makes your kidneys work harder. Too much water, just like too much alcohol, can KILL you. Alcohol is processed by the liver which is unaffected by more or less water. Come to think of it, more water might actually make it take longer to process the alcohol in the liver. More water means more blood volume, which reduces the density, which means it will take longer to process the less dense blood to remove the same quantity of alcohol. It would be like if you took a glass of milk and split it among two glasses and then filled each glass full again. Only now, with the diluted milk, it would take me longer to drink the same amount of milk.Diluting your blood by drinking water might just possibly actually make it take longer by some amount of time. This is trite, but true: don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

  3. as and ex cop I know your alcohol metabolism depends on many factors.  1st, there are two types of tests, one for drugs and another for alcohol.  2nd, chances are your job is only going to do a drug screen for things like marijuana, cocaine, you get the picture.  I have never worked at a place where the employees were randomly checked for alcohol unless there was a suspicion prior to the test like you are acting drunk.  As long as you were not up till past midnight drinking a whole bottle of jack daniels, I think you are going to be o.k. even if you do get tested for alcohol.  but if you drank till 3am and got tested at 8am, the levels are going to be too high and your BUSTED...  drink responsibly and don't worry.  good luck and God bless.....Mike

    P.S.  water will not do the trick, new urine tests will bust you if your urine is diluted.

  4. NO,they are 2 different test one is drugs,the other alcohol

  5. Alcohol is out of your system in 1 to 2 days unless you are a total alcoholic for years straight.  

  6. no. alcohol tests are done by blowing into a tube, and the air is tested for alcohol excreted by your lungs. drug tests are done by testing urine. alcohol will not show up on a drug test, and drugs will not show up on an alcohol test.  

  7. badbadbadbadbad boy/girl.... should of thought before you drank.

  8. Just about the same.

    You should just try drinking alot of water and working out also helps cleaning out your system.

  9. Drink tons of water!!! Before you go to bed and during the day.  You can also get products on the internet.  If you drink a lot  of alcohol before the night before a drug test, then obviously they can detect that you've been drinking heavily.  Try Cranberry supplements too, they are cheap and they clean out your urinary tract.

  10. i think alcohol is gone in like 24-48 hrs.

  11. ya my school dose it it is the same

  12. pretty much

  13. Drug testing is different from Alcohol testing.  The schools are doing random testing to prevent the unnecessary deaths that occur in school do to the illegal drugs that are being used by teens.  The best way to get it out of your system, is to NEVER use drugs or drink alcohol, it destroys the brain cells.  You are too young to be putting these "chemicals" in your body. Stop now, you will not regret it!

  14. I guess you don't need me to tell you that you shouldn't be drinking, so I'll skip that part.

    It takes a while for your body to metabolize alcohol, so it depends on how long ago you drank.  Different body types metabolize alcohol at different rates.

    If you want to save yourself the headache, why not just wait until you're legal?

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