
Is ductaping a child's mouth considered child abuse?

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My friend and I were wondering if Ductaping a child's mouth closed so they don't talk is child abuse.

*note* Hypothetically, the kid doesn't have a mustache so it wouldn't hurt to take it off.*





  1. yeah that is child abuse. if you do that then you do not need to have kids..

  2. Yes.  It's sounds traumatizing too.  I wouldn't use this as a form of punishment.

  3. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, yes that would be child abus. I think that if you thought of that then maybe you did it to your child and that is crul.



  4. uhh.


  5. It's inhumane to duct tape some body's mouth shut.  Whether they have facial hair or not... duct tape hurts coming off.  It's pretty neglectful to do that to a child.  I don't know if it would be considered abuse or not.  

  6. Um yeah that would be abuse and you would be scum to do that to a child......some people ask the dumbest questions.  

  7. I don't think so, but it may be. As far as physical abuse in most states I know of...You have to cause serious physical injury to them for it to be abuse. Child abuse or not though, it's not a good idea. I wouldn't do it. It's been done to me and not fun, and I don't have a mustache. If I did I'd be waxing that ****. I think the kid might develop some emotional issues from that.

  8. YES, you have to use masking tape, never duct tape, duct tape looks ugly, and you can only use green or purple masking tape

  9. i personally would say yes it is a form of child abuse, i would never do that to my child!

  10. It's kind of cruel, but it's not child abuse. Just looking at a little kid with their mouth taped shut looks kind of pitiful.  

  11. i would have to say yes unless you want the child to grow up to the the next charles manson i suggest you don't do that  

  12. apparently so, considering what other users say. it hurts the skin, mustache or not. so yes, it is abuse.  

  13. It might not be child abuse but it is definitely bad parenting. Children who get kidnapped get there mouth duct taped. Children who are mouthy get sent to there room!

  14. Yes, in fact it can be fatal.

    "Chiles has been charged with killing 2-year-old Joshua Minton on May 17. She is accused of causing his death after taping his mouth shut and binding his hands to keep him quiet for a nap."

  15. I'm not sure what the law says but it happened to me as a child and I have always viewed it as abuse and extremely humiliating.  I would never want anyone else to feel the way I did.

    Have a good day!

  16. Absolutely it is. Your obstructing an airway. How would that not be considered abusive? Common sense should have answered this for you.

  17. Any form of restricting a childs speech, or breathing would be considered child abuse.

    I would consider contacting the states child abuse representitive.

  18. yes.  You would be ordered to take parenting classes if child protective services knew of it.  There are much better ways to deal with a child's behavior than resorting to duct tape.  

  19. I really do not know. My brother taped both my kids mouths once, but they were playing some weird game. It wasn't out of punishment or anything. Did you know that it is considered child abuse/neglect if you inappropriately dress your child during certain seasons? For example if it were freezing cold outside and you let your child go out in a tank top, and flip flops, its considered child abuse. Or if in the dead heat of summer you make them wear a heavy jacket, snow boots and thermals (for example) that is the same too. I didnt know that until I asked a social worker (CPS) one day. LOL


  21. YES. Of course that is child abuse.  How would you like it if someone stuck duct tape over your mouth.  You wouldn't like it.  A child is a blessing that was given to you.  You do not duct tape a blessings mouth.  

    If you are angry or upset with your child, find a better way to handle it.

  22. I would think so........

    But the cops don't have a problem beating your kids or shooting them. Putting hand cuffs on them. Using tazers to arrest them.  

    I have a problem with that.  If you let me discipline my child now you will not have a problem out of them as adults.

  23. Yes, that is cruel to do that. My step-father did that to my brother once ( he was really abusive) and my brother ended up hyperventilating! That is such a mean and scary thing to do for a child, or heck, even a "grown up"!  

  24. I would say yes.

    If the child was being that annoying, dont duct tape his/her mouth, do something else. Like, time out or send them to their room to play. Also, by ductaping the mouth, could cause them to suffocate because they might not know how to only breathe out of their nose, theyre so used to having the mouth and nose as a breathing source. I would never do that to my children, nor the daycare kids that i watch everyday.

  25. Yes, duct-taping a childs mouth is definetly considered child abuse! What if the child became upset and started vomiting?? He/she could aspirate and choke to death before you would even know what was happening! Our they could get choked on their own salavia, even, or not be able to breathe through their nose properly, and have problems getting enough O2 to breathe right. Never put anything over someones mouth like that!!

    If they are being that obnoxious, there are other ways to deal with it that are safe for both of you, like time out, removing their favorite toys or games from them, not allowing tv or video games they enjoy, but never tie them up or tape their mouth, okay?

    Good luck to you!

  26. yea lol, even without a mustache itll hurt like no other taking that tape off

  27. I'd think so.  

  28. Yeah, it would be.  Not only child abuse, but child endangerment as well (interferes with breathing and a possible choking risk).  

  29. probably not--my first grade teacher (an old nun in a private school) would masking tape mouths shut. But it is highly inappropriate, in my opinion.

  30. Of-course it is.What is wrong with you?Is this a joke?IF  you lived in New York State and got caught doing that,you would loose your child.It sounds like to me you could use a few parenting classes.Maybe not even have children at all.

  31. Absolutely! That sounds horribly archaic and just awful! Why would anyone do that to a poor child?!?!?! If I knew of someone doing that to their child I would call social services in a heartbeat! Give the kid some candy to shut them up! Anything but that!

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