
Is dyslexia a good thing?

by Guest64560  |  earlier

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lots of famous people are dyslexic.

And I have written a book and am in a band which I compose songs for. (I'm dyslexic)




  1. It's not a good thing, or a bad is just something that makes you who you are.  It gives your thinking and perception a different perspective from the "average".  

    You are a human being with wonderful talents and abilities.  What makes you all the more special is knowing how to hone those talents and abilities to give the world something special.  When you do that, it's more than a good thing, it's a beautiful thing.

  2. Well of course it is a bad thing.  how could the inability to decode the written symbols of our sound system be a good thing?

  3. Being dyslexic does have its challenges, but with support, understanding and learn how our dyslexia affects us, and then develop some strategies to cope with dyslexia we can succeed in life.

    Well done on your book and being a song writer, it must have been very difficult but very rewarding to see your book in print and to hear your songs sung.

    May I ask what is the title of the book?

    I learnt to read when I was 14, and but still failed high school, but after finding out both my daughter and I are dyslexic (which explained my poor education), I went back to school as a mature age student to gain my high school certificate, and then I went onto gain qualifications as a Youth & Disability support worker, it has been fairly hard at times, but very rewarding, I have a keen interest in working with young teens with learning disabilities, in particularly dyslexia in all forms.

    I currently work as a Youth & Disability support worker, and sessional teacher.

  4. Yes, not being able to read is grrrrreat.

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