
Is earth the only planet that has life

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Is earth the only planet that has life




  1. No. Just because we can't find any other planets that have life, well, actually, we're not even sure if there's life or not on ANY planet. It is not safe to say that Earth is the only planet. Surely there must be other beings that are alive, either in our Solar System, the Milky Way, or the other millions galaxies out there.  

  2. Earth is the only planet to have proven existence of life, and probably is the only planet in our solar system to contain life. Mars is the runner up, but it is too cold to have anything more than some hardy microbes that don't need oxygen or water.

    Lets go over why no other planets in our solar system have life:

    *Mercury: Extreme temperature changes because of no atmosphere; no air, much less any oxygen; no water.

    *Venus: Hottest planet in the solar system... too hot to sustain life; its a highly volcanic wasteland; no water; no oxygen.

    *Earth: Only planet with liquid water; stable temperature/climate; only planet with oxygen,

    *Mars: Too cold... it has an average temperature of -150*C. Although it does have water, it is useless because it is frozen water. And in order for it to become liquid, the planet will have no hear up a drastic 150*C. There is a high amount of carbon dioxide, but no oxygen. At most, the only thing we would find there would be some very hardy bacteria that didn't need oxygen, water, and could survive frigid temperatures. That's the only chance of life, and I would be surprised if we found that!

    *Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune: They are gas giants with no solid land, except for the core. They are gas giants. There is no way we are going to find life on a planet made mostly out of gas.

    *Pluto: Although Pluto isn't a planet anymore, I like to include him in the discussion. Pluto has no atmosphere which means that the little sunlight it does get, are released making it extremely cold. Too cold for life, even bacteria life.

    But there may be some life on the moon's in our solar system, but that's a whole different topic. So far the most likely candidate is Europa, Jupiter's 4th largest moon. It has an oxygen-based atmosphere with probably large amounts of liquid water towards the mantele.

  3. Not long ago they found that deep in Earth's oceans are these vents that spew out extremely hot water, and there are loads of previously undiscovered life-forms down there existing without any sunlight at all and under immense pressure from the amount of water.   They think this might be where life on Earth first started.  

    There's a moon belonging to Jupiter that matches the right criteria to support these vents and this kind of life called Europa.  There's a good chance there could be life there but I doubt it'll be intelligent. But it could be.

  4. As sure as I am that the Earth is flat,this is the only planet that has life. Just because they found water and snow in Mars does not mean there is life there.Life only exists on earth.Let's be reasonable now,if there is life out there they would have found it by now.

  5. The best and only reasonable solution to the Fermi Paradox is that we are the ONLY show in the town... sorry kid.

    But if you just HAVE to believe in ETs and UFOs, the antichrist has something special in store for. Google/youtube: "Project Bluebeam"

    'Aliens' just in time for 2012! Many will be fooled...

    Later, ask yourself how we knew in advance:

    2 Thessalonians 2:10-13

  6. I highly doubt it.

  7. No. Because there are more than 100 billion stars in our galaxy and there are more than 100 billion galaxies, each with over 100 billion stars. The Sun is just of of those stars and it can't be the only star with planets that have life. Planets orbiting other stars have been discovered but still no signs of life on them. And the word 'life' doesn't mean just intelligent life like us humans. Life on Earth egan nearly 4 billion years ago when elelemnts like carbon, hidrogen, oxygen, nytrogen, phosphorus and many others combined to form the first oragnic molecules then amino acids then proteins then DNA then the first single cell organisms which gradually started evolving over time into more complex organisms until eventually over the course of 4 billion yeras of evolution lead to us humans! The same process can happen anywhere else in the Universe give the right conditions and circumstances!

  8. Life does not form out of chemicals alone. The process needs information a coded DNA . A code so complicated as DNA begs for

    a designer.  

  9. Earth is not only the planet that has life...

    According to the NASA's research there life existing else where but it has not been revealed but recently it is said that the NASA has contacts with the other planet and they have contacts with them from past several years...

    And if u still do not believe this then there is another proof that prooves that there is life in some other planet and that is the satellite that crossed the orbital lines and which is out of control of the stations which is on earth...

    That satellite has sent many pictures which displayed some pictures of the people living in some other planet...

    The satellite is out of control but still it is doing its job for what it is designed for to...

    So buddy we aren't alone here........

  10. Earth is the only planet that we know has life, but it's also the only planet we've been to so far. When we get to others, life of some sort will undoubtedly be found on some of them.

  11. Earth is the only planet that we know to have life. There are possibility that life may exists on other planets or galaxies.

  12. It depends upon what you define as "life".

    If you mean intelligent life then the answer is uncertain.

    However there is most certainly life in other areas in space. For example, bacteria was placed on the moon as an experiment on an earlier flight. When they checked back on the bacteria it had survived and even multiplied in space.

    So yes, there is life on other planets. It isn't exactly humans walking around but rather bacteria flying throughout the empty space. Intelligent life is questionable.

  13. Milky way galaxy(our galaxy)is not the only galaxy you know..

    there could be other life forms somewhere else...

  14. i think every 1 would b knowing this  this news has become very common that there is a planet that sustains life in it and that is MARS scientists have found snow and water there on the planet  so i think only this planet has life in it

  15. Hi Joseph!

    The probability that the Earth is the only planet with life on (in) it is extremely small (or "Nearly Infinitesimal" q.v.!

    Assuming you mean "all life" and not just "life as we understand it to be".

    We, however, at this point in time have no real evidence to the contrary.

    Sooo, depending on your "Theological viewpoints", Open-mindedness and flexibility . . . .

    The answer(s) is(are) NO and Yes.

    See the link, OK?


  16. It is that we know of.

    Odds are it isn't though, the universe is simply too huge for life to only occur once.

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