
Is eating 2 raw eggs for breakfast good or bad?

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everyonce in a while, i have no time to cook breakfast or im just too lazy, so instead of having to cook eggs, i just crack it raw and drink it. I just wanted to know if that's okay to do and if it will get me through to lunch.




  1. it could be bad,,,,youve herd of saminilla ,right?

  2. I don't think raw eggs are exactly healthy. I know that people have been eating them for years, but there have been cases where people became sick since they weren't cooked. You should try other foods. There are plenty of breakfast foods you can eat on the go that are better to eat.

  3. i think its bad but thats my opinion

  4. make scrambled eggs or something or an omlette without cheese. raw eggs can have tons of bacteria with can make you sick and such.

  5. u shouldn't eat anymore than 3 eggs a week - bad for cholestorol

  6. bad! you can die!

  7. hm. thats not sanitary... i suggest cooking it. it only takes 3 minutes depending on how you want you egg. That would get you through TO lunch. But if your body cant handle it, you might puke the eggs out or have diarrhea  

  8. All I can say is that once you've experienced Salmonella you never want to get it again.  

  9. raw egg: knock knock salmonella poisoning!


  10. You could catch bacteria, but it is healthy for you in the nutrition aspect.

  11. On cheap-skate ghostly kitchen's ghost stories?

    With time.

    Will cluck like the chicken too.

    Having feathers growing out in time.

    With claw feets in scratching the ground.

    Looking for loose corns.

    Luke 9.55-56,60

    What do you think?

  12. hey! its oKay what,,,as long as you lead an activE life,,

    by the way,i'm an athlete so i'm quite used to this raw eggs,

    i ate 4 raw eggs a day,2 for the morning training n the other 2 for the evening training,,,,

    its good for building up your muscles,,sometimes i ate 6,haha,,

    but its important for not taking many eggs at a could b dangerous...

    so,,,wanNa see my arm?kidding__

  13. Not okay to eat raw eggs. raw eggs can carry salmonella which can make you sick

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