
Is eating Humous thats already opened and went out of date 2 days ago really going to cause any harm?

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Is eating Humous thats already opened and went out of date 2 days ago really going to cause any harm?




  1. only to the people you breath on

  2. it shouldnt do you any harm but it may taste a bit odd but any day after today dont eat it have fun bye

  3. as long as its in the fridge shouldn't be a problem.  

  4. Nope best before simply means its not as good as it is when its in date. The taste/ texture may be impaired etc. Obviously this doesnt apply to all foods....but with humous id say you'l be fine :)

  5. Why not just go buy some more, its not like humous is expensive

  6. Probably not, but if you have to get up in the night then I got it wrong!

    This question has now been open two days, you should know by now!

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