
Is eating Organic food better for your health?

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Is eating Organic food better for your health?




  1. seems like it would be to me.

  2. the jury is still out as far as peer reviewed literature is concerned. From what I have read it is is about 50/50 with the scientists. There have been over 50 papers saying when tested there are significant differences between organically grown produce and meat products, the organic usually having much more in the way of nutrients. But it all depends on the crop in question. With meat, milk, eggs there is a big diff3rence between organic/pastured and confined animals. the organic meat/dairy products are always higher in things like omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins etc..

    I would say the science lit is definitely heading towards the organic is much better for you to eat than the conventionally grown food.

    As to the folks that say we cannot farm without chemicals they are wrong. As a matter of fact we lose twice the % of crops to pests and disease as we did 70 years ago and use about 20 times the 'cides now as we did than doing so.

    And now we have to deal with genetically modified crops which have never been tested on humans adequately. GMO's may not be safe to eat and they are not allowed in organic agriculture.

  3. No.  Your food is safe.  Also we can not feed the world with out the use of pesticides.  

    The guy that told you that we still use agent orange is not right.  The chemical was banned for use a long time ago.  The chemical was called agent orange because it was shipped to the war in orange striped barrels.  The chemical 2,4,5 T "agent orange" had a by product  2378 tetrachiorodibenzo-para-dioxin (TCDD) when produced.  It was baned and the weed killer we use today 24D does not contain any dioxin.

    If you want your health to be good stay away from fat etc.  Eat all the fruits and vegetables etc.  There is nothing wrong with our food.  Organic food is still sprayed with a lot of things too.

  4. Yes cuz they haven't got pesticides or any other c**p in them.

  5. Yes, Organic food is definitly healther.

    Ever heard of Agent Orange or Agent Purple? it was used in the Vietnam war in the 60's. Those chemicals were used to clear out large ranges of jungle, so the U.S. could see the enemy. Today, the Veitnam people are still experience birth defects, adnormities, and desease.

    Today in America, Non-organic farmers are using the same chemicals that were used in the Vietnam war.  Round up, Pesticides, clear weeds from feilds. Unfortunatly, the ground, water, and even the plants/vegetables obsorb these chemicals aswell.

    Where is all the cancer and desease in America coming from?

    Good news!...Organic Food is grown with out the use of chemicals.

    In the end, When you eat organic food, your are eating real food..."NOT chemicals & food." That's the main difference, but there is many more.

  6. I wouldn't think that eating pesticide is exactly healthy.  Yes, I would prefer organic, and have grown some of my own food in the past, some years more than others.

  7. it is hardly different from the nutrients of the earth

  8. Yes, I would think it probably is healthier than food grown with all those chemicals and stuff on it.  I also am not saying that food grown with all the extra stuff on it isn't good for you either.  I must admit, the green beans from the can are horrible, but the home-grown organic beans are very good!  I hope I was a help to your question, have a nice day!

  9. It depends on how or what you call eating organic food.  If you call eating food processed by earthbound farm or cascadian farm or one of the other many "organic" companies, one could say you were eating organic food according to standards, but those standards actually allow certain pesticides and herbicides to be used.  Generally, they are bio-degradable and not harmful to humans, but if a human consumed enough pyrethrum(obtained from chrysanthemum, but a chemical insecticide allowed under the organic foods production act of 1990), it would approach toxicity.  So, I would imagine organic food considered under that measure would not be the best for your health.  Now, is organic food better for the environment?  Yes it is, which, in turn, would benefit one's health.  True organic food is food from the garden you grew or a local source that can provide their measures taken in order to prevent plant problems and meet the standard one has set.

  10. I agree with Carl.  There has to be some chemicals used to grow the amount of food we produce.  However if you are going to insist on eating only organic food... I would suggest a very thorough washing of it, it still has to be fertilized, and in the case of organics, well it came from some creatures behind.

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