
Is eating carp good?

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is there anyway to make common carp taste good or are they nasty always.




  1. it will make u sick

  2. There are tons of recipes for carp on the internet and yes, they can be made to taste decent if they're prepared right. Smoking a carp, at least for the one I ate a while back, tasted pretty good. I suggest you do a google and find some recipes. Using one carp, try different recipes until you find the dish you prefer. If you decide it's not for you, it's only one carp and you know that from then on to release them all.~good luck catchin'.

    * JMF, I think you have it the other way around. Carp have been on the menu for thousands of years and eaten by rulers of nations as well as the regular Joe Shmoe. To this day Carp is considered a delicacy by many and it takes some one who knows how to prepare one right to serve an awesome meal.

  3. You might say it's an acquired taste - I haven't acquired it...

    some say if you soak the fillets in milk...maybe with the right seasonings... good luck... you'll need it.

  4. I've heard some say that the rib meat is OK when grilled. Next time you're in the grocery store look in the ethnic food section for gifilte fish. The fish is carp. I've never tried it fixed anyway, but wouldn't turn it down if prepared by someone who knew what they were doing.

  5. here in south texas we live right next to the border of mexico,and the mexicans really love carp they make a recipe called "ceviche" spanish for sushi.i don't care for the fish it has too many bones.

  6. extremely nasty......

  7. its not worth a good dining fish,so enjoy its fight is more than enough.release it back

  8. I don't know why so many anglers think that carp = c**p.

    They have lots of meat on them and do make a good eating fish as long as the water they're from is clean, it's all in how you prepare it. After scaling it, you should peel off the skin because that tends to be pretty fatty, sticky, rubbery, and unpalatable, but it comes off very easily. Then I recommend slicing up the carp (filleted or unfilleted, your choice) and marinating it in whole milk in the fridge overnight before cooking.

    * Yes JMF, carp are bottom feeders. But if the water isn't polluted, then there isn't anything on the lake bed they're eating that's harmful to them or to people who eat them. It may seem gross that they eat dead and rotting debris down there, but keep in mind that the fresh salad you eat comes from vegetables that fed on stinky rotting cow manure.

  9. Deep fried carp, with chilly and rice.  Used to eat that a lot.

  10. Not for the carp!

  11. when you catch a carp gut it and scale it leave the head on. nail it to a piece of oak like a 2x6 just longer than the carp one through the eyes and one through the tail use lots of butter and lemon pepper. place it on a smoker at about 250-275 degrees for 2-3 hours then throw the carp away and eat the oak 2x6 it will taste better than the fish

  12. Not really, mots people i know fish for them for the sport of catching them, although they are edible they don't taste very good.

  13. I live in France and the French love them.  I am told the best way is to put them in clean running water for a couple of days so they only take on clean water to improve the taste as this cleans them a little but they will always taste like a bottom feeder.  Try just fishing and release them and eat sea fish.  Much better for the carp.

  14. if they are cleaned right the are good

  15. Carp are nasty fish!  They are bottom feeders and eat a bunch of nasty s**t.  I can't believe some of these idiots I see on this question say carp are good.  

  16. In Poland, it is very common to have a carp as part of the Christmas dinner, just as people often have a turkey in the US for Thanksgiving.

    A lot of Polish parents will buy the carp live and then put it in the bath tub for the kids to play with prior to cooking.

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