
Is eating meals on a T.V. tray acceptable?

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My girlfriend is debating with me that I have no table manners because I grew up not eating at a table and usingT.V. trays alot. Don`t get me wrong I have decent table manners if I eat at a table but she got on the subject that you should never eat anywhere other that a dinner. Sitting on a couch or chair in the living room with a T.V. tray is unnacceptable. Is eating meals on a T.V. tray acceptable or should we only be eating meals at a dinner table? Wrong or right?




  1. If you have decent manners while eating at a table, I don't see what the problem is. It's all in your preference really. Obviously you prefer to watch television while you eat and what better way than to eat it on the very thing that it was designed for. So it's more than acceptable unless...

    your girlfriend is wanted to spend quality time with you at the table, which is hard to come by when you are preoccupied with the boob tube.

    The dining table was once a place where loved one gathered with each other to enjoy meals together without any other type of distraction. More of a sacrosanct place; nowadays, dining rooms are nothing more than just another house fixture.

    So that may be the root of your girlfriend's agitation.

  2. If you're alone, anything is acceptable.  

    If you're with others, I'd generally go with the one who has the highest standards.  If someone prefers the table, go to the table.

    It's -terrible- to eat with the TV on.  And yet -- after raising a family and always having dinner at the table with a tablecloth and conversation -- my husband and I have started eating dinner with ABC News.  We enjoy it.  (We're home and talking to each other all day, after all.)  And it doesn't hurt anyone else.

    However, if you have your friend over, use the table.

  3. I disagree with her that you shouldn't eat anywhere besides the dinner table.

    I think it's perfectly acceptable to eat in the living room if that's what makes you happy.  As long as you have decent table manners when eating at a dinner table, then that's fine.

    You can still have bonding time in front of the television.  Just because the television is on doesn't mean you can't talk to each other.  It may even bring up new topics.

  4. Dinner is a family thing and yes it should be at the table.

    You dont want your children to gain bad habits

  5. Whatever you like. If you grew up on those then that's what you're used to and that's what you want, She should respect your decision, to be honest. Food is food, It doesn't matter how it is eaten, It all goes to the same place, anyway. It's up for you to decide what makes you feel most comfortable, the rest doesn't matter as long as you're at home, so personally I think she's wrong;

  6. Sitting down to dinner at a table is considered by many people to be the most proper way to share dinner. However, I personally see no reason to throw out the TV trays either. You and your girlfriend each have your own habits; and so you'll need to work out ways to accomodate each other. Perhaps you could change your habits a bit by eating at dinner at the table with your girlfriend most nights; and in return you could have dinner on a tray one or two nights a week without your girlfriend criticizing you. You might want to watch a movie or sports while having dinner periodically....and I would bet your girlfriend would ease up a bit if you offered to eat at the table most of the time. Of course, when you are eating at home alone you can do as you please.

  7. NO nothing is wrong eat where u feel comfortable. I am sure when the need arises to show ur table manners u would excel.BE happy & be ur normal self

  8. me and my partner eat at the table most of the time but if there is something good on tv or if we just feel like having a lazy night in there is no harm in eating on the sofa we recently put a tv in the kitchen so even if we are eating at the table if there is something on that we want to watch we watch it. i dont see why someone could worry about eating in the living room theres lots of people do it. it's generally accepted nowadays. why not suggest to your girlfriend having a lazy night in with a takeaway and a few dvds that way hopefully you might convert her lol. xo

  9. I do it all the time.I live alone and my dog doesn't care.....Hurray for me....

  10. Eating on TV trays is alright, but is not vary classy. Good luck.

  11. Unfortunately, it is acceptable. However, it shouldn't be acceptable.

    I am also of the opinion that much of what is wrong with our society today would not be wrong, if it had not have been acceptable.

  12. She really needs to lighten up...she sounds very stuffy. I'll bet half of the country eats in front of the TV, and no one cares. It's your house, not the White House; eat where you want to eat!

  13. I think that you should eat dinner without any distractions

    Food should be enjoyed and have your whole attention!!!

  14. It's a good habbit to start by eating at a dinner table.  It's special time where you can converse and tell her about your day.  As soon as you start having kids, you will see the importance of family time.

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