
Is eating meat a sin?

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so i kind of think in a way that eating meat is a sin because one of the sins is hurting animals and if you are eating meat then your eating something that is dead and has not been treated well and then slaughtered shouldnt they be treated humanley instead of torchered and slaughtered just for us to eat?




  1. not at all. eat drink and be merry

  2. NO, its a preference.

  3. No I do not think that it is a sin so I shall eat my steaks with a clear conscience.

  4. No body on this Earth who knows that for certain! They can state their opinion but God is the only one who can choose whether he thinks it's a sin or not.

  5. "Thou shalt not kill."

    I always interpreted this as being pretty black and white. Don't eat meat, don't wear leather, don't shoot anyone.

  6. i believe god didnt mean for us to eat them.

    in the bible it says that god made all the greens for us to eat,

    the bible also says though shall not kill.

    its however you interpret it.

    just because it says we are above animals in the bible, does not mean we have the right to treat them cruelly, which cutting their lives short so we can eat them could be considered cruel.

    Genisis does not say that animals are meant for us to eat, it only says that we are above them.

    overall i don't think its a sin, i think it would have been put clearly in the bible if it was.

  7. Of course it is. To slaughter, abuse, torture, kill or to consume anything that is a dead body human or animal is a sin.

    Additional details:

    People can interprete sin and God and morality differently. The definition of sin is: to commit a sin; violate a law of God or a moral law.

    I believe God is peaceful and love, eating a dead tortured corpse clearly is not, so therefore to me violates the law of God. And the same with moral law, which can be personal, but bottom line what does not involve hate or anything bad.

  8. no it is a right and a privilege, and i enjoy tearing my teeth into animal's muscles every chance i get

  9. No if you are talking sins by the Judeo/Christian bible. Old Testement has the Kosher rules which include meat. New Testement has for just one example has the miracle of Jesus feeding the crowd bread and Fish. Kosher involves rules for preperation. Genisis says the animals are there for us.

  10. Sin or sinning is an act of defiance against a recognized deity.

    You have to be more specific as to what religion you are referring to that makes meat eating a sin. Catholicism does not. Neither do Islam and Judaism.  A sin against your God may not be a sin against mine. And if I am an athiest, the concept of "sin" in a religious context does not exist.

  11. i think a troll is cheating with thumbs up and downs

    dont care about religion but eating meat is obviously unethical.

  12. Don't know, don't care. My life is not guided by an ancient book.

    But I do agree with what you're saying, for the most part. ;]

  13. Depends on your beliefs, I personally don't think it is.

  14. no, but i do belive it is a sin in the manner that the animals are treated.

  15. who knows what a sin is? the bible was written like 2 thousand years ago, it contridicts itself so many time, "You cant harm another living thing" yet god told abraham to kill isac, true that story diddnt have any death in it, but god said to kill someone! in my opinion, eating meat is wrong becuase i wouldnt want to do to ANYTHING what i wouldnt want someone to do to me, but dont do something just becasue a book told u too,

  16. God put animals on Earth for us to look after, love, and eat. I only kill animals to eat. Sport-hunting is sin in my book.

  17. It is not a sin if the religion you believe in says it is not or doesn't say that it is. I am Catholic and meat eating is not a sin.

  18. One of the sins is "hurting animals"? That's a new one then.

    It's not a sin, though to some, it's a shame.

  19. That depends on your religion. If you are a vegetarian, eating meat is a sin.

  20. "one of the sins is hurting animals "

    Where do you get that information?

    If you are christian/jew/muslim, it clearly states in the Bible/Torah/Koran (although not to sure about that last one) that humans have domain over the animals.
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