
Is ebay a good place to buy?

by  |  earlier

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my mum is a quarantine officer and she says have the things that come from ebay is bad and broken, should i buy?




  1. i think your mom right  is lot scammer on ebay

  2. your Mom is wrong(they are not always right)...........You have to check and see what  items are being sold at..........

    Usually I save 20-30 percent.......

  3. Your mom doesn't know what she is talking about.  eBay does have MANY sellers that are honest, and sell great things.

    There are some that are rip offs, however BUYERS should read the feedback and look at other options before just bidding.  I'm a smaller seller, so I get a bad rep automatically when honestly, I sell better quality than a lot of people.  eBay has screwed their sellers lately and it makes it harder.

    In all, it comes down to READING the description and feedback before bidding.  There are TONS of people on eBay that are honest, and would love to do business with people.  Also, there are scammers and fraud.  Please just take the time to look at ratings and feedback before deciding.

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