
Is ebay indivuals reliable shipper for cars???? how does it work?

by  |  earlier

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The car is already at the shipping company in Reno, Nevada sealed and ready for the shipping. I have a contract with eBay so this deal must go through them. I'm very busy with my job and I'm out of the town so I can't meet in person with you so this is the reason why I chose to sell my car over the internet. According to eBay you have 5 days from the time you receive the car to inspect it and decide if you want to keep it or not.

Here is how it will work:

1.First of all I will need the following details from you:

- Full Name

- Full Shipping Address

2. After I will receive the details from you, I will forward them to eBay.

3. After they will process your info, they will send us both invoices. The invoice that will be sent to you will have the details on how to make a refundable payment.

4. eBay will contact me and I will ship the car to you. After you receive the car you will have 5 days to test, verify and do whatever you need to the car. If you will buy, then I will receive the payme




  1. I dont know but I would never sell or buy a car from Ebay. Never! That is kind of crazy if you ask me.

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