
Is education destroying our ability to think for ourselves?

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As a result of the way that we learn, monkeys have been shown to have a better short term memory. Is education destroying our creativity and ability to think for ourselves?




  1. Yes education is destroying our ability to think for ourselfs, everything has become standardized and statistic driven. There is no individual its a socialistic education system that is diminishing our abilities to think away from the mainstream.

  2. Education gives you more pathways to think for yourself.

  3. Education will do for you whatever you believe it will. The more you put in the more you will get out of it. You have to open your mind to all perspectives and I think having an education allows your mind to explore things it otherwise wouldn't. Don't allow yourself to be programed, don't believe everything you read in a book, and have your own creative outlets.

  4. Yes.  I'd expand but I'm too dumbed down.

  5. I was just thinking this morning that we are so interested in all these tests to get our kids or ourselves into college or whatever,  that we have begun "teaching the tests", which do absolutely no good whatsoever for actually getting students to learn how to think beyond memory.  As a mental health professional with 20+ years, now retired, I remembered administering a quick "IQ" test to various people in the community at a health fair that our community put on, and the absolutely worst scores were scored by the medical community, from those with M.D.'s to R.N.'s etc., and it absolutely scared me to wonder what those doctors would do in an emergency, with me on the operating table, if they could not remember something they read in a book somewhere.  Our education is truly ruining our ability to think for ourselves (which is an attribute that my late father so repeatedly pressed up on me in lecture and debates), not just for those in the medical professions but across the board, and whatever "education" is actually provided, appears to be more of an attempt at brainwashing than educating.  And, after three university degrees, I feel I speak with some sense of authority, if I can just remember what degrees I got and what I studied!  God Bless you.

  6. "You must learn from the mistakes of others. You can't possibly live long enough to make them all yourself."

    Education allows one to build upon the experience of those before himself. Only when society learns from the experience those before them can it truly advance, and modern society is the result of thousands of years of education over hundreds of generations.

  7. not sure but i think the capitalist system mentality ends up brainwashing everyone to a certain degree, unfortunately.  It's not natural.

  8. Are you kidding!?

    Education enhances our creative abilities.

    The things that destroy our creative abilities is money, one with lots of money is less inclined to be creative due to the fact they can buy anything materialistic, thus making a person lazy and not put into a situation that requires creative thinking and efforts.

  9. Yes.

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