
Is egg a living thing or non living thing?

by Guest66071  |  earlier

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Egg comes out of a living animal and then there is a living thing comes out of it. But still can you say it a living thing




  1. well eggs start out living.. but the ones u buy at the market is dead. simply put, it was living..

  2. It depends on how old is the egg. I think that when the egg comes out of the chicken, only contains some cells.

  3. Eggs they sell and that you cook and eat are not. Ones that you like, take form hens on a farm are

  4. An egg is a nonliving thing. The baby chick inside the shell is a living thing.

  5. The answer to this one is tough. however, i think that the egg shell itself is not alive because it is just calcium carbonate. Whats inside however, if the egg was fertilized, is alive. The kind of egg you get at the grocery store, are not alive, as there is not a living bired inside. Look at it this way... a baby in a mothers uterus is alive soon as blood starts pumping thrugh its body. Proibably the same thing goes for eggs.

  6. i think eggs are non living things because for you to classify if a thing is living or not first of all it should need another form of concept to live.oh. i'm not sure..

  7. If there is a ****, in a hen case, or a male bird in there, then It's a living egg that'll grow up and have life one day.

    The ones you buy are from special farms and they don't have any males "c***s". Hens can produce eggs even without males but they won't grow.

  8. Fertile eggs are a living thing, however infertile eggs are not.

  9. Technically speaking we only eat unfertilized eggs which is similar to a woman having a period where she loses the unfertilized egg thus it not growing into a person....... So to answer your question no I do not think an egg would be classed as a living thing........ Within a woman it would be seen as a cell not an embryo

  10. The eggs in the nest at work in the bird cage are living.  They are getting ready to hatch.  The ones in my fridge are not.

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